- Windows Live Hotmail Wave 4 to be officially unveiled May 18 in Sydney, Australia – http://clkon.us/asX1MZ #
- Is Microsoft “years behind” in cloud apps? – http://clkon.us/9DiFoZ #
- A unique shot of Atlantis with Crescent Moon as she approach the ISS for docking (from NASA TV). http://twitpic.com/1obipq #
- Whups – that last shot was Venus and the Crescent Moon – NASA TV commentator just corrected himself. #
- Download 60 Day Trial Version of Microsoft Office 2010 Professional – http://clkon.us/cfxZ83 #
- Facebook continues copying Twitter – Introduces hover cards for Facebook user names – http://clkon.us/dzqIVX #
- Great summary of the #NASATweetup by one of the participants – http://clkon.us/a8El3L #
- Beautiful shot of Atlantis as she approaches ISS for docking this AM. From NASA TV – http://twitpic.com/1obslg #NASATweetup #
- If your not watching NASA TV right now you are missing some beautiful imagery of Atlantis – http://clkon.us/a6Irir #NASATweetup #
- To think we just watched her start this mission less than 48 hours ago! #NASATweetup #
- Blog Platform Upgrades Happening this Week – http://clkon.us/dkp0yl #
- Windows Live Wave 4: Hotmail Announcement On Tuesday – http://clkon.us/bzkdAr #
- Just did a video photo montage to compress 2 days at #NASATweetup into 3 mins – http://clkon.us/9CsxvV (Watch in HD) #