- Word 2010 Beta is Available
- Paint.NET v3.5.1 is coming … small fixes, and more Win7
- WordPress Wins Best Open Source CMS Award for 2009
- Public dnld Office 2010 & SharePoint 2010, IE9 news , Wndows Server 2008 Admin’s Pocket Consultant – VHD boot roundup
- Inside Chrome OS – Google reveals design objectives of cloud operating system
- Home Server Power Pack 3: it’s all about Windows 7
- Where’s the extra driver info on Windows Update?
- Don’t Shoot in Auto: Do-It-Yourself White Balance
- Google Earth 5.1 released; no longer considered beta
- Retweet This: Twitter Retweets Now Live For Everyone
- Twitter Drops “What are You Doing?” Now Asks “What’s Happening?”
- Facebook Previews a Sleek New Photo Uploader
- Facebook on the PlayStation 3 is Now Live
- YouTube Can Now Create Captions Automatically
- Experience Office 2010 Beta
- My View: Google Chrome OS
- Internet TV comes (poorly) to UK
- Office Mobile 2010 Beta Now Available
- Twitter What’s Happening?
- Windows Home Server Power Pack 3 available November 24th includes enhancements for Windows 7-based computers
- PDC Day 2
- Think Globally, Tweet Locally
- Developing a provider for the Outlook Social Connector
- Office Update Center is now live
- Your questions: "Will Office 2003 work with Windows 7?"
- Windows Mobile 7 On Track For 3Q 2010 Release
- Twitter Launches in French