Google News Alert for: "windows 7"

Get an Insight into the Windows 7 OEM Pre-installation Kit
Softpedia – Bucharest,Romania
It is all available via the Windows 7 OEM Pre-installation Kit (OPK) Online Training, resources addressed at company partners, but which can be accessed by
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Windows 7 Prices Revealed…Next Month
G4 TV – Los Angeles,CA,USA
Well, the good news is that we now know that Microsoft has most likely already told retailers what the 48 version of Windows 7 are going to cost.
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Upgrade path to Windows 7 RC from the Windows 7 beta release
TechRepublic – Louisville,KY,USA
IT pro Brad Bird tells you how to upgrade from the Windows 7 beta release directly to the Windows 7 Release Candidate. Although not supported by Microsoft,
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How To Install Windows 7 (For Free!) On Your Mac
Over the weekend, I installed Windows 7 RC, a free, preview version of Microsoft’s forthcoming operating system, the successor to Windows Vista.
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Microsoft Declines EU Oral Hearing Invite, Adds Kill Switch to IE
DailyTech – Chicago,IL,USA
It says it has a sufficient option bundled with Windows 7 that will kill Internet Explorer 8, allowing other programs to be used exclusively (DailyTech
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Report: Microsoft readies new maximum specs for Windows 7 netbooks
Microsoft is readying a set of maximum specs for Windows 7 netbooks –or, as Microsoft prefers to call them, “small notebooks” — that will likely dictate
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Microsoft set to reveal Windows 7 pricing mid-June
Register – London,England,UK
Microsoft recently revealed that Windows 7 would land before the holiday season this year; however, it has so far remained quiet on pricing.
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Windows 7, how low can it go?
Neowin – Netherlands
It is well known that Windows 7 is a huge step up from Vista as well as XP. It allows users with computers that could barely run Vista to run 7 much faster
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Windows 7: It’s here, it works, you’re gonna love it
Pensacola Business Journal – Pensacola,FL,USA
The Vista Blues you’ve been singing is about to come to an end; the world is counting down to a possible Q3 release of Microsoft’s Windows 7.
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Blog: Who Will Be the Windows 7 Early Adopters?
CIO Australia – North Sydney,NSW,Australia
It’s no easy task to pinpoint who will jump to Windows 7 early. Given the economic uncertainty, nearly all companies in all sectors are reconsidering their
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Google Blogs Alert for: "windows 7"

Windows 7 branding leaks out
By Nilay Patel
You didn’t think Microsoft was going to ship Windows 7 with that same tired Vista-esque branding it’s been using on the betas and RCs, did you? No way, man — and if those crazy-cool wallpapers didn’t prove it to you, the eager monkeys
Engadget –

Microsoft dumps 3-app limit from Windows 7 Starter
By Lee Mathews
Take a good look, because if Paul Thurrott’s exclusive is on target you won’t be seeing it in Windows 7 Starter Edition. Believe it or not, Microsoft has done an about-face on the three simultaneous application limit.
Download Squad –

Microsoft To Drop 3-App Windows 7 Starter Limit | Windows 7 News
By Martin
The 3-app limit was probably the aspect of the Windows 7 operating system that Microsoft received the most criticism for. While it in effect was not as bad as.
Windows 7 News –

Windows 7 Blog » Upgrading from XP to Windows 7: Does Microsoft’s
By Nick
By Scott M. Fulton, III | Published May 18, 2009, 4:57 PM Three months ago, Betanews experimented with a process for converting a Windows XP-based system to Windows 7 even though a direct upgrade process was not officially supported by
Windows 7 Blog –

Multi-touch .NET Library for Windows 7 | The Continuum Show
By Adam Kinney
Yochay Kiraity has been working with the team to create Managed Code APIs making it even easier for .NET developers to take advantage of new features in Windows 7. In this video, Yochay demonstrates…
Channel 9 –