Google News Alert for: "windows 7"

Vista a reliable choice over waiting for Windows 7
Courier Mail – Australia
Q I read in the press that Microsoft is to replace Vista with Microsoft Windows 7. I have Windows XP and am looking to buy a new computer soon.
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Acer Aims for Hewlett-Packard’s Laptop Lead Ahead of 2011 Goal
Bloomberg – USA
s Windows 7, which Wang expects to be released by October, is far superior to the Windows Vista operating system and shows the Redmond, Washington-based
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Survey: Majority of businesses will defer Windows 7 rollouts
FierceCIO – Washington,DC,USA
Another interesting finding by the survey shows that 83 percent will jump straight from Windows XP to Windows 7. This can only prolong the testing for
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Netbook Price War Could Hurt Microsoft
PC World – USA
If netbook OEMs load on features such as DVD drives and higher-resolution screens and start running pricier versions of Windows 7 (Microsoft has said it
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Firms remain cautious over Windows 7
CRN – UK – London,England,UK
However, on a more positive note, 83 per cent said they would probably skip straight to Windows 7 and miss out Vista completely. In a further twist,
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Survey: 84% won’t upgrade to Windows 7 in the next year – USA
Most enterprises will eventually migrate to Windows 7 — Microsoft’s (MSFT) newest version of the world’s dominant PC operating system — but they’re not in
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IT pros prefer old XP over new Windows 7, survey say
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
Only 28% felt the opposite, that they’re more worried about holding XP’s hand than migrating to Windows 7. The results not only illustrate IT’s historical
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Creative Windows 7 Driver Availability Chart published
Creative today announced the availability of new beta drivers for Creative Sound Blaster, Audigy and X-Fi sound cards on the Windows 7 Beta operating system
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InstallFree Launches MVP Program to Help Customers Prepare Today
SYS-CON Media (press release) – Montvale,NJ,USA
Designed to help customers prepare for Windows 7 migration now, the InstallFree MVP combines special pricing with innovative technology that lets enterprise
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Businesses wary of Windows 7 after Vista flop – London,UK
By Tom Jowitt, Techworld A new survey has found that the majority of IT staff don’t plan to upgrade to Windows 7 in the next year, after Vista’s failure to
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Google Blogs Alert for: "windows 7"

iTWire – Why enterprises will embrace Windows 7
Technology news, views and jobs, Why enterprises will embrace Windows 7.
iTWire – Latest Headlines –

Windows 7 Still Not Weaning Users Away The Alternatives ~ OS X
By Matt Hartley
Despite the fact that Windows 7 is by far, the best chance they have to undue the mess they made with Vista’s lack luster excitement with performance and abilities, many people will either switch to OS X or just stick with XP.
OS X Fanatics –

» Survey Finds Organizations Cautious about Adopting Windows 7
By News
Despite the fact that market analysis company Gartner said Windows 7 will be ready for adoption as soon as it reaches GA (General Availability) status, a recent survey entitled “Windows 7 Adoption: A Survey of Technology Professionals”
Software news –

Tech View: Windows 7: Is it time to move on from XP?
By (anniez)
But now, with Windows 7 set to hit the market soon, Microsoft has rejuvenated its efforts to kill off XP for good. The first step in this kill XP drive is the end of free support for XP, starting today, April 14, 2009.
Tech View –