Google News Alert for: "windows 7"

Windows 7 RC1 Shooting for April 10 Release?
Tom’s Hardware Guide – Culver City,CA,USA
Those of you who’ve been watching the rumors regarding a release date for Windows 7 RC1 will be disappointed to hear the latest, which apparently comes from
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Digital City #20: Bug-hunting in Windows 7 and the death of SF’s
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
by Dan Ackerman On this week’s installment of the Digital City podcast, we discuss the complaints of Windows 7 beta testers, the closing of San Francisco’s
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Windows 7 improved Games Explorer, Internet games
TechSpot – USA
Many of the features and OS additions that debuted in Vista are returning to Windows 7, with the little difference that this time Microsoft has taken the
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Windows 7 Capable’ PCs Slated For June
InformationWeek – Manhasset,NY,USA
By Paul McDougall Microsoft plans to launch an upgrade program beginning in June that will allow consumers who purchase a Vista PC to upgrade to Windows 7
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PC World

Windows 7 "Great For Games," But What About GFW Live?
PC World – USA
I’ve been mucking about with the Windows 7 beta for a few weeks now and it really is like zipping along on a Japanese maglev train compared with Vista’s
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Microsoft Testing Windows 7 Updater
Tom’s Guide – Culver City,CA,USA
By Kevin Parrish, published on February 23, 2009 at 7:10 AM Apparently, Microsoft will commence testing on the Windows 7 Beta updating mechanism this week,
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BCDs, MBRs, and GRUB
InfoWorld – San Francisco,CA,USA
When I complained that Windows 7 had trashed my grub menu on Thursday, I didn’t know what a can of worms I was opening. I got lots of advice, and most of it
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Windows 7 on the fast track, release candidate due in April?
HEXUS – London,UK
Despite Microsoft’s reluctance to expand on its Windows 7 release time frame of roughly three years after Vista, many in the industry believe its flagship
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Google Blogs Alert for: "windows 7"

Jay R. Wren – lazy dawg evarlast » Blog Archive » Windows 7
By jrwren
After answering all of the questions up front (see previous lies about the installer) on a Friday night, I went to bed and awoke to a rebooted, ready to use Windows 7. There was no login/reboot experience in the install.
Jay R. Wren – lazy dawg evarlast –

Windows 7: Downloadable version on 10th April?
Windows 7 Release Candidate set to come out on April 10th according to some sources. –

Windows 7 release candidate due in April – Crave at CNET UK
By (Nate Lanxon)
According to an internal leak aimed towards Windows blog Neowin, the first (and potentially only) Windows 7 release candidate will hit beta testers on 10 April. Plus more technology news in Crave, the gadget blog at CNET UK.
Crave at CNET UK –

Windows 7 Interface Tweaks | PC Tips
By Jason
1. Right-click everything At first glance Windows 7 bears a striking resemblance to Vista, but there’s an easy way to …
PC Tips Box –

Windows 7 could hit release candidate stage on April 10 – The Tech
As we wrote not long ago, Microsoft plans to hurry Windows 7’s development along and skip straight to the release candidate stage for its next public build. Now, the guys at Neowin have gotten some dirt on Microsoft’s Windows 7 RC
The Tech Report: News –