Google News Alert for: windows vista

Gadgetell: Windows 7 upgrade details revealed
NewsFactor Network – Woodland Hills,CA,USA
To begin with, anyone who purchases a new computer running Windows Vista after July 1, 2009, you will then qualify for a free upgrade to Windows 7.
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10 reasons why Linux will triumph over Windows
TechRepublic – Louisville,KY,USA
Windows Vista was going to revolutionize the way the user interfaced with the computer. Vista was going to be the operating system you would never notice.
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Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED giveaway
Geekzone – New Zealand
Microsoft has joined the (RED) campaign and I have a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED to giveaway. A part of every sale of PRODUCT (RED)
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Microsoft Hit With Suit Over XP ‘Downgrade’ Fees – USA
The Redmond software giant is already enmeshed in a class-action suit over whether it mislead people who purchased PCs prior to the launch of Windows Vista
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

How do I get Windows Vista for Enterprises? | Power Charge Your
By admin
I couldn’t find it. We will use the following features: 1. Mail server (not included but purchasable from MicroSoft themselves). 2. Web server (IIS7)
Power Charge Your Windows Opera –

Windows Vista games – PC Perspective Forums
By MixedNuts
Windows Vista games Gaming. Posts: 557. Windows Vista games. Hey guys I’m running XP pro and I was wondering if it’s possible to get the games from Windows 7 (vista) to run and where do I get them? Pete. MixedNuts
PC Perspective Forums –

System Volume Information
By ddaassaa
This post is my first; I’d like a second opinion from BC folks before I proceed to fool with VISTA’s System Restore Points for the first time.I run Home Premium 32-bit on a partitioned Gateway laptop with 221 GB allotted to C/ and 57 GB of Tutorials, |– Windows Startup Programs Database, |– Mini guides and how-tos – Simple answers to common questions, |—- Audio and Video Mini-Guides, |—- Email Mini-Guides, |—- Images, Image Editing, Image Viewing Mini-Guides
Bleeping Computer Forums: Windows Vista –