Amongst the many changes Microsoft has made in Windows 7 it is now easier to create and save your own themepacks (any personalization to the OS’s appearance). The customizations include wallpapers, taskbar and window shading/coloring, screensaver, system font, etc.). Basically anything you can change in Personalization Settings – you can save as a themepack. There are two different types of files the system saves relating to themes. One is a .theme file – this is the settings on your local computer. If you choose to save your settings as a .themepack then it will not only save all those settings but also pack in the wallpapers you have chosen to use in your personalization of the desktop. This package can now be shared amongst you, family and friends to have the same themes.
So to try this out I have decided to create a few theme packs using some photos I have taken over the years. Feel free to use and share – nothing here is copyrighted or protected.