A couple of years ago (almost three actually) I posted some screenshots from a Windows Genuine Advantage brief I attended online that were quite popular.  During one of my website crashes I lost a lot of things and those slides were part of that loss.

I notice in my traffic logs that I continue to get steady traffic to those pages that used to exist so I am going to build up a new blog post (your reading it) to get those shots back online. I did miss a few slides during the brief trying to get the screen captures but everything you see below is what I had posted back in 2006.

I will use a re-direct plug in for WordPress to send any traffic to those former pages to this one and you will be able to see the info originally posted. I hope this is helpful.

Windows Genuine Advantage Brief April 2006 (Microsoft)
(Read right to left and down for the order they were in)

slide4 slide5
slide6 slide7
slide8 slide9
slide10 slide11
slide12 slide15
slide20 slide21
slide22 slide23
slide24 slide25
slide26 slide27
slide28 slide29
slide30 slide31
slide33 slide34
slide37 slide38
slide39 slide40
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