Google News Alert for: windows vista

Researchers Find Vista Kernel Memory Security Bug
Virtualization Review – Irvine,CA,USA
Windows Vista may have a potential buffer-overflow security problem, according to researchers at Innsbruck, Austria-based enterprise security firm Phion.
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Apparent IP routing vulnerability affects Vista, not XP
BetaNews – USA
Unusually, this particular exploit can only be recreated, Phion said in its bulletin, on Windows Vista Enterprise and Ultimate versions, in 32- and 64-bit
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iZ3D Announces General Availability of Latest 3D Display Driver
MarketWatch – USA
The driver is compatible with DirectX games and content and runs on Windows XP 32-bit, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit, and Windows Vista 64-bit
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Why I didn’t skip Microsoft Vista: Security – Framingham,MA,USA
by Shane O’Neill It’s been a hard road for Microsoft’s Windows Vista, but even though negative perceptions have followed the operating system since its
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How many editions of Windows 7 will there be?
Ars Technica – Boston,MA,USA
One of these is described as "Communicate and generate Partner excitement for Windows Vista Business, Windows 7 for Small Business (future), Office Ready,
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Vista kernel is vulnerable
Inquirer – Harrow,England,UK
By Egan Orion: Monday, 24 November 2008, 4:49 PM A FLAW has been discovered in Microsoft’s flagship Windows Vista operating system, but the company has said
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TuneUp Utilities 2009 – Tuning for Windows PCs
MarketWatch – USA
The software supports Windows XP and Windows Vista (both 32- and 64-bit versions) automatically adapting its functions to the respective operating system.
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Ballmer To Share His Knowledge On The Vista Capable Case
eFluxMedia – USA
Ballmer previously released a statement saying: “I was not involved in any of the operational decisions about the Windows Vista Capable program.
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Kernel vulnerability found in Windows Vista
ZDNet Asia – Singapore
Windows XP is not affected. Asked about the severity of the flaw, Unterleitner pointed out that administrative rights were needed to execute a program
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UK firms offered Windows Vista migration training – UK
Binary Resource UK has introduced a training programme for companies planning a migration to Windows Vista. The programme is aimed at IT staff charged with
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

DirectX 11 Built into Windows 7 along with Vista support
Well Microsoft has changed their mind and is going to have DirectX 11 built into Windows 7 along with an installable version for Windows Vista. Rumors hint at DirectX11 being merged into Windows Vista Service Pack 2 but nothing has been News Break –

New Security Flaw Found in Windows Vista
By Tim Stevens
We’ve certainly shown, again and again, how Windows XP has no shortage of security flaws, but thus far Vista has been relatively free of issues. That’s good news for Microsoft, since Vista looks like it will provide the foundation of
Switched –

Windows 7: One Vista at a time.
By Greg Lambert(Greg Lambert)
Windows 7 will require at least the same (possibly more) application compatibility effort and desktop engineering efforts as Vista. Windows 7 is built on the Vista kernel (core) and all Windows 7 features will be a super-set of Vista’s
Application Compatibility Blog –

Windows Vista Gets a Bad Rap
By Nick Bradbury
From what I can tell, the general opinion of Windows Vista is that it sucks. And to be honest, when I first tried Vista on my Dell laptop, I also thought it sucked. It was slow, it crashed all the time, and I couldn’t see any compelling
Nick Bradbury –

[1/5] Windows Vista "CreateIpForwardEntry2()" Memory Corruption
A vulnerability has been reported in Microsoft Windows Vista, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). NOTE: This RSS feed does not include information
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