Google News Alert for: windows vista

Microsoft Readies Vista SP2, Server 2008 SP2
OS News – USA
Since its release, the steady stream of updates have made Windows Vista noticeably less annoying to use. The biggest stride forward was the release of the
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McAfee update classifies Vista component as a Trojan
Register – London,England,UK
As a result of a misfiring update, published on Monday, the Windows Vista console IME executable was treated as a password-stealing Trojan.
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Windows 7 Touch-Screen PCs In 2009, Says ASUS
InformationWeek – Manhasset,NY,USA
By Paul McDougall Stung by criticism of Windows Vista, Microsoft may be hastening the release date of its next major computer operating system.
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Asus CEO: Eee PCs will never run Vista – London,UK
Asus’ CEO Jerry Shen has admitted that the popular Eee PCs will never carry Windows Vista – with the netbooks set to skip a generation and use Windows 7.
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Windows Vista SP2 coming before Windows 7 – Malta
Microsoft have been attempting various strategies for boosting the sales of Windows Vista as the mainstream OS. Although the latest OS is not bad in itself,
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Platform: Windows NT,Windows 2000,Windows XP,Windows Vista
PC Authority Business Centre – McMahons Point,NSW,Australia
It works with all compatible operating systems, making it possible to share DVDs over a network, and copy DVDs using the command line or Windows Explorer.
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Desktop Unix: MacOS X and “Sousa Linicks”
All three of the main OS candidates: MacOS X, Novell’s “Sousa Linicks” and Microsoft’s Windows Vista run on pretty much the same hardware and run broadly
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Pirates prefer Windows XP over Vista, says Microsoft
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
By Gregg Keizer October 21, 2008 (Computerworld) Software counterfeiters pass on Windows Vista and instead prefer to pirate Windows XP, a Microsoft Corp.
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Microsoft to Mac enterprise bloggers: How much to sell out Apple?
Windows Vista over Mac OSX in the enterprise. I’m contacting you to see if you know anyone who would be interested and capable of writing this based on
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Apple gets snitty with anti-Vista ads
National Business Review – Auckland,New Zealand
Both take a much more snide and direct tone, taking specific digs at Microsoft’s reluctance to name-check Windows Vista in its recent $US300 million
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

Optimize and Tweak Windows Vista Services with Vista Services
By Shivaranjan
Windows Vista’s hardware requirement is quite huge when compared to the Windows XP. There are lot of services in Windows Vista that run in background and consume CPU and RAM there by making your computer slow. –

Winning with Windows Vista – a webcast you don’t want to miss
By SBSC Canada
Learn about the journey of Windows Vista since launch and get the facts that will prepare you for your SMB customer conversations; Find out about the programs and investments Microsoft is making to drive Windows Vista in SMB,
SBSC Canada –

Use Native CD & DVD Burning in Windows Vista [How To]
By Rich
Windows Vista comes bundled with native DVD and CD burning support. If you are just looking to save your files to a CD or DVD, then this is all the software you need. Forget about Nero, Roxio, Sonic etc–just use Windows!
Windows Guides | –

Universal Script Template in Elevating Commands as Administrator
By (LawrenceAlbert)
Most of us don’t understand the great security feature of Windows Vista called User Account Control or simply UAC. If we will just open our mind and think in a broader way. You’ll save a lot of time and money.
Unlock for Us –

Winning with Windows Vista – a webcast you don’t want to miss
Learn about the journey of Windows Vista since launch and get the facts that will prepare you for your SMB customer conversations; Find out about the programs and investments Microsoft is making to drive Windows Vista in SMB,
MSDN Blog Postings –