Tag: Microsoft To-Do

Thursday - February 6th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 3)

In this week’s show, I catch you up on my formation during a break over the Christmas period and share some insight into two seasons in the Church – Advent and Christmas. The tech side of the show is packed full of news for Windows Insiders and the latest builds in each testing ring along with an indication of how future builds will roll out. Edge Insiders are also closing in on general availability of Edge (Chromium) so we update on multiple items that can help you prepare. Following all the tech news, we discuss the latest space stuff around SpaceX, Boeing, and NASA as 2019 wraps up and 2020 begins. Happy New Year and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 306 #OTP

This week I am back in the home studio after spending a week in Redmond at the Microsoft campus for the annual MVP Summit. As always, it was a great week with lots of content, friends and learning. It was also a very busy week for Windows Insiders for build releases and progression in the final development stages for the next feature update for Windows 10. We get caught up on all of those details and then talk about plenty of other tech news from this past week. Be sure to listen from start to finish to catch everything!

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 305 #OTP

This episode comes to you from Redmond and just a couple of miles from the Microsoft Campus as we get ready to start the annual MVP Summit. Unfortunately, the awesome summit experience begins on a sad note as we learn that one of our fellow MVP’s was killed in the horrific attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand. I share about that and then jump into the weeks the week’s tech news which covers our normal range of subjects.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 304 #OTP

We are still wiping the sleep out of our eyes after we lost an hour overnight thanks to Daylight Savings Time here across much of the United States. Among the news this week we learned that Windows 10 officially crossed the 800 million device threshold, we had another week full of Windows Insider builds for both Fast and Skip Ahead Rings, plus we saw some leaks around Microsoft Edge on Chromium. Of course, the show is littered with headlines around app updates, services, security, social media, Xbox, gaming and a promise for a new privacy focus from Facebook. I catch you up on my latest space news and talk about a scary podcast extortion scam that is happening to some podcasters.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 303 #OTP

It was another busy week for Windows Insiders as we had a total of five builds for Windows 10 (19H1 and 20H1) see their way to Windows Insiders test machines. The end is closing in quickly for the upcoming April 2019 Update and we will discuss all of those build related activities. I share a little about my quick trip to Cape Canaveral to see SpaceX’s launch Crew Dragon, the first crew rated vehicle since Shuttle in 2011, plus I update you on the suspended Twitter account for counting down to Windows 7 end of life cycle support, the remaining days for Microsoft Band and associated services and finally last month’s AdDuplex numbers for Windows 10. Of course, we also have HoloLens 2 news from MWC and all kinds of other items throughout the show.

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