Tag: GitHub

Monday - February 10th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 15)

Here at the very end of August in a quite different year than we all expected when it started, there is still plenty to discuss about faith, tech, and space. We kick this episode off with a discussion around returning to movie theaters to watch movies during this active pandemic plus an update an update about my recent PC Build and SSD drives. Next is the final couple of weeks in the summer break for my cohort’s continuing formation and classes beginning in just a couple of weeks. In tech, we layout new builds for Windows and Edge Insiders including a significant upcoming milestone. Surface Duo review are in the hands of reviewers and influencers but it is everyday folks without embargos that are going into Best Buy and AT&T stores to give full operational demos of the dual-screened devices ahead of schedule. IN other tech headlines there is more on the Epic vs Apple app store fight, talk about the Amazon Halo, TikTok, tech scam insider information to help awareness, and big changes in real estate in the pandemic. In space we have launches and scrubs and we wrap up reminiscing about the 25 year anniversary of Windows 95, Office, 95, and of course this website!

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 9)

Back behind the microphone with big updates about my aspirancy formation for the permanent diaconate, updates about the Windows Insider and Edge Insider Programs, a big tech update, and quite a bit of space news this cycle. We begin catching up on the Easter Season, the new online (local and distant) classes that start this month in formation including Patristics (three classes) and The Four Gospels (12 weeks). Next we go over the status of new insider builds for Windows 10 (vNext), the impending release of Windows 10 (20H1) aka the May 2020 Update later this month, and all the latest on Microsoft Edge across all channels. new hardware from Microsoft and Apple caught headlines this week and in space the first launch of human beings from U.S. soil in nearly nine years is expected later this month and the Mars Perseverance mission continues marching towards its July launch even with the team working remotely from home. Hubble is 30 years old and unidentified objects are just that – unidentified.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 312 #OTP

This week we have our normal collection of updates for Windows Insiders with the latest builds and progress across a couple of development branches for Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge (Chromium). However, I begin with an explanation of the final state of my link curation process to avoid Twitter’s aggressive algorithms plus I get on my soapbox about headlines and misdirection with one privacy related story I read this week. After that it is our normal weekly run down of updates around apps, services, security, hardware, social media, and gaming. At the end of it all I mention a couple of space items that you should be aware of as the next five years are going to be crazy as NASA heads back to the moon! Make sure you listen from start to finish to catch all the headlines.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 296 #OTP

We begin this episode with a reminder that the Windows 7 End of Lifecycle Support clock is ticking and pointing out a Twitter account that you can follow to keep up with the countdown. We also had a new Windows Insider build to talk about along with a new reserved storage enhancement that is rolling out. I share some of my observations on what could be a key success factor for future Windows 10 upgrades. After that we dive into our normal list of things like app updates, the latest on the January 2019 Patch Tuesday, Xbox gaming related news, and a quick rundown of all the new hardware announced last week at the annual Consumer Electronics Show 2019.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 287 #OTP

We start off by talking about the latest build in the Windows 10 19H1 development branch and the stagnant status of the re-release process for the October 2018 Update. Currently that feature update is still being tested by Slow and Release Preview Ring Insiders. Another issue, this time about copying and pasting files from a compressed archive, now has to be fixed and likely tested as well. This was earnings week and Microsoft had a big one setting records for revenue along with big year over year gains in most areas across the company. This performance even lifted Microsoft up into position as the second most valuable company in the United States. Of course, we have app news, developer updates, security related items, and all kinds of other tidbits so be sure to listen all the way until the end of the show to catch everything.

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