Earlier today Nokia announced that the Nokia Lumia Black update would begin rolling out to users worldwide and in that same post they mentioned several features that would be coming in that update.

The screenshot they used in the post, shown below, caused quite a ruckus on Twitter once it was published.


See those two tiles with all the icons on them? It looks like a new folders style feature for the Start Screen is coming with the Black update and that has surprised many on Twitter including Windows Phone MVP Joost van Schaik:

Turns out the app can actually be used on Nokia Lumia’s which have not received the Black update from Nokia yet however, it is a Nokia Lumia exclusive for right now.

The concept is not a new one and provides you a tool to organize your Windows Phone Start Screen by putting your apps together into logical groups. By tapping the tile you then open a launcher where you can select the individual app you want to use.

Here are some screenshots of the app in action:

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As you can see the App Folders can be set at any of the three tile sizes on your WP Start Screen and the app makes it easy to select the items you want in different groupings. It also indicates which apps are already in other groups as you make your selections.

See App Folder in the Windows Phone Marketplace.