With mobile phone cameras getting better and better it was only a matter of time before someone came on the scene with a website to Mobile Photo Blog your day.  You can already send text messages to keep your Twitter status updated so everyone that follows you can keep up with you no matter where you are in the world – and now SnapFoo arrives on the scene to provide you with a means to photo blog your day via your cell phones camera.  Now cell phones are not the only way to send photos to your SnapFoo profile – you can also email them.

The process is very simple to get online with SnapFoo

    • Register your account info (currently invite only)
    • Register your cell phone (you will have to validate a code you receive at the website).
    • Register your email address (again you will need to validate a code to complete this).
    • Start sending in pictures!  It is that easy.

You can register multiple devices and email addresses to access the service as well so that makes it very convenient.  As with anything coming out these days there is also a social aspect of SnapFoo and so you can add friends and watch their mobile photo blog along side of yours.  The developers are also adding features to share your SnapFoo photos with your friends on Twitter, flickr, myspace.com and of course there is a Facebook application.  If you are not part of any of those then they also have a widget builder to give you the code to show off your mobile photo blog on your personal web page.


I believe SnapFoo is going to be extremely popular once it goes public because it is easy to use and is very portable – something you can take with you everywhere you go (with cell phone in hand of course).

Since this is a private, invite only beta I would like to make two invites available from my pool of invites.

All you have to do is register for an account here at WindowsObserver.com and make a comment on this post.  The comment should be about what your plans would be with this SnapFoo account and a commitment to provide the developers good feedback on what works well and what doesn’t since that is the purpose behind a beta.

I look forward to reading your comments.