Tag: Yammer

Thursday - February 6th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 8)

Last episode we recorded in our reconfigured podcast studio. Now we are live streaming our recording session via YouTube. Now you can see my face, hands, and eyes as I share faith, tech, and space. I have updates on my own faith formation, current tech headlines, and some space news in this episode. Much of what we discuss is impacted by the current lock downs and stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Working From Home and Remote Working is the new norm and many of these changes are likely to become more permanent when we return to whatever normal is in the coming months. Some of the headlines we catch up on include the latest for Windows and Edge Insiders, talk about the transition of Office 365 to Microsoft 365 for personal and family use, and how companies are adapting to the current situation. We also discuss Microsoft’s decision to go virtual with all their in-person events until at least July 2021 and what impact COVID-19 is and is not having on launches and other space news including the first potential launch of astronauts from U.S. soil in May.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 308 #OTP

What an absolutely eye opening and jaw dropping week. I kick the show off talking about my return from Twitter Exile and then we dive into what might be the biggest news in the history of Windows 10 and discuss what it all means for Windows Insiders and everyday users of Microsoft’s latest operating system. Of course, there are plenty of other headlines this week that I will mention and share with you from social media, software, apps and services, plus various items from many other areas of the tech scene. Yes – there is a little space news in the wrap up as well. Please be sure to listen from beginning to end for everything.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 304 #OTP

We are still wiping the sleep out of our eyes after we lost an hour overnight thanks to Daylight Savings Time here across much of the United States. Among the news this week we learned that Windows 10 officially crossed the 800 million device threshold, we had another week full of Windows Insider builds for both Fast and Skip Ahead Rings, plus we saw some leaks around Microsoft Edge on Chromium. Of course, the show is littered with headlines around app updates, services, security, social media, Xbox, gaming and a promise for a new privacy focus from Facebook. I catch you up on my latest space news and talk about a scary podcast extortion scam that is happening to some podcasters.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 303 #OTP

It was another busy week for Windows Insiders as we had a total of five builds for Windows 10 (19H1 and 20H1) see their way to Windows Insiders test machines. The end is closing in quickly for the upcoming April 2019 Update and we will discuss all of those build related activities. I share a little about my quick trip to Cape Canaveral to see SpaceX’s launch Crew Dragon, the first crew rated vehicle since Shuttle in 2011, plus I update you on the suspended Twitter account for counting down to Windows 7 end of life cycle support, the remaining days for Microsoft Band and associated services and finally last month’s AdDuplex numbers for Windows 10. Of course, we also have HoloLens 2 news from MWC and all kinds of other items throughout the show.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 138 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 138. Getting back into a normal Wednesday recording routine today with this new episode to talk about some of the headlines in tech news. I start off by talking a little bit about two classes I am currently enrolled in for school – Multimedia Development which uses Adobe Flash as a core platform and Web Page Development. I am getting to refine quite a few skills I have vaguely learned over the years thru trial and error so they have been fun to participate in these courses. Well worth the effort to go back to school. I then discuss the adventure that has been WP 8.1 Developer Preview, reverting to WP 8, upgrading to WP 8.1 and Cyan and then the upcoming Windows Phone 8.1 Update. Yes, it is as confusing as it reads! On top of those updates there is the issue around use of a preview and the impact that can have on folks even though they agreed to jump off that cliff voluntarily. Some of the other areas I covered during this episode are Windows Phone usage numbers, Finding an unexpected memory on an Xbox, PC sales forecast to grow, People must trust tech to use it, OneNote goes cross platform to Amazon Fire and gets updated on iOS devices, Amazon shares drop upon debut of their Fire Phone, Amazon’s cloud growth scaring investors, Yammer now belongs to Office 365, More Microsoft Stores on the way, Windows Desktop and Windows RT, Laywoman review of Surface Pro 3, Cortana vs Siri is the new PC vs Mac, Microsoft raided in China, Kids App Store, Nokia X phones not quite dead yet, Family Plan Wars, Selfie phone from Microsoft, Soft-resetting a Windows Phone, Microsoft starting to build Windows Phone technically speaking, Uber and FitBit official apps land on Windows Phone, Facebook diverging their app capabilities like Foursquare did, Cortana knows Foursquare locations, The morality of in app purchases, Universal Apps, USAA using IBM’s Watson as a military veterans advisor, Atari Landfill documentary trailer, EA Access, HBO web based subscriptions, Twitter grows big time in last quarter, Ballmer purchase of Clippers close to completion, Mars rover sets distance record among extraterrestrial machines, Cloud storage nightmare with Box for one customer and Best Buy CEO interview highlights. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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