Tag: Verizon

Monday - February 17th, 2025

Observed.Tech PODCAST Episode 221 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 221 of Observed.Tech. A crazy 14 day period for the Windows 10 Creators Update has just wrapped up after another busy week of builds as we get even closer to the release of this third major update for Windows 10. We saw a total of nine builds over this two week period including two mobile builds released just three days apart. No worries though as I will get you caught up on where we stand and what clues we have that might let us know when the Creators Update will be released. This week was the Google Cloud Next ’17 conference so there was a lot of news items that came out of that including new enterprise collaboration services and a renewed security focus across their offerings. There are plenty of other items sprinkled in the show including a pre-order page for Xbox Scorpio, HP’s big acquisition for storage, Surface hardware driver updates, and another Mac vs Windows discussion. Enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!

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Observed.Tech PODCAST Episode 219 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 219 of Observed.Tech. In this week’s show we start off by talking about an out of band security update for Flash on Windows after the normal Patch Tuesday updates were delayed last week however, we also discuss whether another vulnerability will also be patched before next months updates are issued on 14 March 2017. I share with you my experience in signing up friends to use my Outlook.com premium service for their own unique email address on my custom domain which was a lot easier than getting everything setup in the first place. We also talk about the slow trickle of Microsoft Edge extensions, a new email search utility for Outlook and Gmail accounts, and how HoloLens is helping a medical technology company design operating rooms for hospitals. There is plenty to discuss about Windows 10 as well including confirmation of Redstone 3, a lack of new builds over the last two weeks, and concerns about privacy in the EU getting some attention despite the efforts Microsoft has made to be more transparent in this area. As always there are other tidbits scattered throughout the show including Gmail and Blizzard dropping support for Windows XP and Vista, a new Windows 10 bug tracker for developers, using an Outlook calendar with Alexa, Microsoft’s call for a Digital Geneva Convention, and whether Windows Phone/Mobile is dead. Enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 180 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 180 of Observed Tech. This week I catch you up on some Windows 10 Mobile news including my continuing experience with the Lumia 950, the expected public release date of Windows 10 Mobile, which Lumia’s are expected to see the update first, what printers are compatible with the new mobile operating system and the current number of devices running Windows 10 Mobile. Of course, the blame game for Windows 10 Mobile and the lack of Lumia 950/950 XL devices on Verizon ramps up but we also discuss how Microsoft is no longer throwing everything out there to see what sticks when it comes to mobile. Other areas that come up for discussion includes Microsoft’s plans for Internet Explorer on older version of Windows, tablet shipments, and HPE agreeing to sell the Microsoft cloud to its Enterprise customers. As always other tidbits are scattered throughout the show so tune in to hear all the subjects we have listed for the show. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 148 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 148. This is our post Windows 10 focused episode but we still have lots of Windows 10 information to be discussed. In fact, something tells me there will be no shortage of Windows 10 info for the next year or so. Now that the Windows 10 Technical Preview has been out for a couple of weeks different enthusiasts have been poking under the hood and discovering some pretty handy information about where Windows 10 may be headed. I also spend some time talking about the new Microsoft hardware I recently reviewed that is either already available or will be out by the end of the month. There is also plenty of news on the Surface front from a huge conference give away, new Surface Pen firmware and a new app to manage some Surface Pro 3 settings. Also up for discussion is Microsoft popularity as a global brand, a mis-step by their new CEO and an in-depth look at the three Microsoft CEO’s and where the company is heading by Vanity Fair. Of course there are many other items to be discussed this week so make sure you listen in to catch all the news. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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