Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 65

Welcome to Episode 65. We start things off talking about two very significant space related events and that is the successful launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch with the Dragon capsule on top carrying supplies to the ISS and Felix Baumgartner’s 24 mile jump from the stratosphere where he broke several world records including being the first human being to travel faster than sound without a jet! Very impressive stuff to say the least. The remainder of this episode is all about Microsoft (with all due respect to Mary Jo Foley of course!). Speaking of Mary Jo Foley we talk about Microsoft pop up stores and the one she has been checking out in NYC’s Time Square; the next version of Office hitting the RTM stage about a month earlier than expected; the Xbox 360 console topping the US once again for the 21st month in a row; Windows 8 jumping to the to of Amazon’s Software Best Seller listing in less than a day and why that is significant; the new Xbox Music Service which launches tomorrow; an analysts prediction about Windows 8 plummeting; the popular Words By Post arriving on Windows 8 and in Windows Phone App Flow a look back at some of the best apps on Windows Phone 7 as Windows Phone 8 gets ready to see daylight. We usually wrap up with a look back at the week on WindowsObserver.com however, a change this week is that we integrated those stories into the flow of the podcast where they fit. Enjoy the show.

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