Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 242 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 242 of Observed Tech. We had our second straight week of no new Windows Insider Builds for PCs on the Fast Ring but we get to hear from the Insider team at Microsoft about what was behind those decisions to not flight builds. It is some interesting insight. However, before I talk about that and the other news of the week, I spend the first part of the episode talking about treating each other well and remembering the person on the other side of that Twitter handle is just as human as we are and deserves courtesy, civility, and respect.  We may not always agree with a direction taken by a company like Microsoft but the folks who are the face of the company on social media do not deserve to receive the full measure of our disagreement, frustration, and ridicule. Of course, there is other news relating to apps and services from Microsoft for Windows 10 and plenty of other tidbits across a wide range of tech subjects throughout the show so be sure to listen all the way until the end. As always enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!

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