Tag: ransomware

Friday - February 14th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 9)

Back behind the microphone with big updates about my aspirancy formation for the permanent diaconate, updates about the Windows Insider and Edge Insider Programs, a big tech update, and quite a bit of space news this cycle. We begin catching up on the Easter Season, the new online (local and distant) classes that start this month in formation including Patristics (three classes) and The Four Gospels (12 weeks). Next we go over the status of new insider builds for Windows 10 (vNext), the impending release of Windows 10 (20H1) aka the May 2020 Update later this month, and all the latest on Microsoft Edge across all channels. new hardware from Microsoft and Apple caught headlines this week and in space the first launch of human beings from U.S. soil in nearly nine years is expected later this month and the Mars Perseverance mission continues marching towards its July launch even with the team working remotely from home. Hubble is 30 years old and unidentified objects are just that – unidentified.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 314 #OTP

This week I share about my recent office reorganization and the resulting tech purge that it has resulted in as I start to clear out old technology and e-cycle it. We catch up on a slow week for Windows Insiders and discuss the potential release of the first 19H2 bits to testers. Then we discuss COMPUTEX and Microsoft’s interesting announcement about a modern operating system right in the middle of them sharing about new OEM hardware running Windows 10. Of course, spread throughout the show we talk about other things like the changes around the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and why some believe it is dead, tons of updates around apps and services, plus tidbits about gaming, security, and social media. As always enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 275 #OTP

We kick this weeks show off with a lot of Windows Insider news. Three new builds were made available for testers in the Fast Ring (Build 17723), Slow Ring (Build 17713.1002) and Skip Ahead received its first offering (Build 18204). There were also several new previews made available for Office Server 2019 elements like Skype, Exchange and SharePoint. Next up it is Surface including my own quick visit ith Surface Go at my local Best Buy. Then we talk about Outlook.com coming out of beta including its new Dark Mode, the continued growth of the April 2018 Update on Windows 10 devices, targeted installs from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and the possibility of Devices as a Service (DaaS) from Microsoft in the future. Of course, we have tons of other tidbits scattered throughout the show so make sure you stay tuned in all the way until the end to catch everything.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 273 #OTP

In this week’s show we discuss things like Microsoft’s new Surface Go, Apple’s hardware refresh and the associated price tag and the significant milestone that was reached today in the Windows 10 Redstone 5 development process. On the software and services front Microsoft finally releases a free version of Microsoft Teams which will compete directly with Slack in the collaboration market. In addition, Microsoft announced that their desktop whiteboard app is now generally available. We have all kinds of other news throughout the show so be sure to keep listening right until the end. Thanks for listening.

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