Tag: Project Spartan

Tuesday - February 18th, 2025

Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 164 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 164 of Observed Tech. This is our pre BUILD 2015 show where we discuss what we expect to hear about this week at Microsoft’s big developer event in San Francisco which kicks of Wednesday. I will be there onsite to cover it and bring you all the information possible. Of course there is a lot of Windows 10 stuff to talk about including new builds, updated universal preview apps and the state of Microsoft’s phone business. As always there are plenty of other news items that get covered in this episode so come on in and take part in the discussion. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 162 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 162 of the Observed Tech PODCAST as we continue to look at the development process of Windows 10 amongst other things. Last week, for only the second time, a new build of Windows 10 Mobile was released (10051) and so we cover that experience and where we see things headed as Windows 10 continues the march towards its release this summer. I also talk about the exodus from Windows Phone itself but do share some recent growth news for the platform in the US. More news about Surface 3, trademarks, Microsoft’s upcoming mobile pay system, social media, the flagship Windows Phone we really want and the continued cross platforming of Microsoft apps and services. As always there are of course plenty of other news items that get discussed in this episode so come on in and take part in the discussion. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 161 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 161 of the Observed Tech PODCAST. Lots of news around the surprise Surface 3 announcement from Microsoft about the newest Surface device and of course Windows 10/Project Spartan news with the release of build 10049 last week. We also discuss Microsoft at 40, Windows OS market share, a limited initial Microsoft Band production run and Windows RT’s role in success of Windows. As always there are of course plenty of other news items that get discussed in this episode so come on in and take part in the discussion. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 159 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 159 of the Observed Tech PODCAST and it has been far too long! After a long six week hiatus we are back with a lot of Windows 10 related news and info including a release window, hardware requirements for the desktop and mobile versions and plenty of hands on time with the latest technical preview build. Microsoft Band continues to march forward and now has even wider availability and is heading towards the UK next month plus we also confirm that Internet Explorer’s pronounced death was a bit premature. On the Xbox One front I share about my own experience of adding external storage to my console; your music collection stored in OneDrive can now be streamed to all of your Windows devices and over the web and the dilemma of using parental controls or letting your kid rack up $4,500 in DLC charges. Of course there are plenty of other news items that get discussed in this catch-up episode so come on in and take part in the discussion. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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