Tag: Preview Alpha

Saturday - February 8th, 2025

Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 315 #OTP

This week we delayed recording the show until after Microsoft’s big Xbox E3 Media Briefing was held yesterday afternoon. So this show has a lot of stuff related to those announcements from Los Angeles, That gets us caught up with the new game pass options for both console and PC, upcoming games, hardware, and streaming technology plus lots of other gaming related items such as project Scarlett and Project xCloud. Of course, I still catch you up on the latest for Windows Insiders and where we stand with the continued development of the 20H1 feature update for next year and the wait for the first bits of 19H2 for this fall. Scattered throughout the show I have some of the details about Apple’s WWDC 2019 announcements, browser updates, and a little low earth orbit news from NASA.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 305 #OTP

This episode comes to you from Redmond and just a couple of miles from the Microsoft Campus as we get ready to start the annual MVP Summit. Unfortunately, the awesome summit experience begins on a sad note as we learn that one of our fellow MVP’s was killed in the horrific attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand. I share about that and then jump into the weeks the week’s tech news which covers our normal range of subjects.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 304 #OTP

We are still wiping the sleep out of our eyes after we lost an hour overnight thanks to Daylight Savings Time here across much of the United States. Among the news this week we learned that Windows 10 officially crossed the 800 million device threshold, we had another week full of Windows Insider builds for both Fast and Skip Ahead Rings, plus we saw some leaks around Microsoft Edge on Chromium. Of course, the show is littered with headlines around app updates, services, security, social media, Xbox, gaming and a promise for a new privacy focus from Facebook. I catch you up on my latest space news and talk about a scary podcast extortion scam that is happening to some podcasters.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 295 #OTP

Welcome to the first episode of 2019! We get back at it this week catching up on the latest build released for Windows Insiders, a closer look at Windows Sandbox in Windows 10 19H1, and Cortana being quieter during the OOBE. Then we run down a laundry list of app and service related updates, a few more end of year reflections from Microsoft, Windows 10 finally surpassing Windows 7 in market share at the end of 2018, and the countdown for the end of Lifecycle Support for Windows 7 in January 2020.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 293 #OTP

We kick this show off by talking about what was thought to be a privacy violation with Windows 10 and turned out to be inconsistent naming of data which is collected. Next up we touch base on the latest information coming out of Redmond around a potential Microsoft 365 Consumer based subscription and how that might be configured/set-up. On the Windows Insider front, we had a new build this week that continues Microsoft’s efforts to make the UI cleaner and more efficient for end users. Including among the changes is some A/B testing of a split between Search and Cortana on the Taskbar plus a new information bar header in Windows Settings. Of course, the show is full of other information, stories, and other tidbits so be sure to listen all the way until the end.

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