Tag: Pinterest

Tuesday - February 18th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 15)

Here at the very end of August in a quite different year than we all expected when it started, there is still plenty to discuss about faith, tech, and space. We kick this episode off with a discussion around returning to movie theaters to watch movies during this active pandemic plus an update an update about my recent PC Build and SSD drives. Next is the final couple of weeks in the summer break for my cohort’s continuing formation and classes beginning in just a couple of weeks. In tech, we layout new builds for Windows and Edge Insiders including a significant upcoming milestone. Surface Duo review are in the hands of reviewers and influencers but it is everyday folks without embargos that are going into Best Buy and AT&T stores to give full operational demos of the dual-screened devices ahead of schedule. IN other tech headlines there is more on the Epic vs Apple app store fight, talk about the Amazon Halo, TikTok, tech scam insider information to help awareness, and big changes in real estate in the pandemic. In space we have launches and scrubs and we wrap up reminiscing about the 25 year anniversary of Windows 95, Office, 95, and of course this website!

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 314 #OTP

This week I share about my recent office reorganization and the resulting tech purge that it has resulted in as I start to clear out old technology and e-cycle it. We catch up on a slow week for Windows Insiders and discuss the potential release of the first 19H2 bits to testers. Then we discuss COMPUTEX and Microsoft’s interesting announcement about a modern operating system right in the middle of them sharing about new OEM hardware running Windows 10. Of course, spread throughout the show we talk about other things like the changes around the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and why some believe it is dead, tons of updates around apps and services, plus tidbits about gaming, security, and social media. As always enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!

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Observed.Tech PODCAST Episode 206 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 206 of Observed.Tech! I start things off on this show by talking about the state of the Windows mobile market and that it is time for a reality check and acceptance of where the platform is these days. Bottom line is that the mobile battle has been won by Android closely followed by iOS. Next up is the Windows 10 Anniversary Update including what is being called #WebCamGate and the continued steady roll out to current Windows 10 users. I also share my latest collection of Quick Tips and an app tour of the new Amazon app for desktop and mobile devices. Then in hardware I share about some of the latest happenings with Surface including an update on #Batterygate and some new coverage of the design studios for Surface that hit publications this past week. Sony and its PlayStation 4 is making headlines as well for planning to deliver a feature Xbox One already has in its console. As always, you can expect plenty of other tidbits throughout the episode including an Evernote to OneNote Converter for Mac users, a new visual bookmarking tool from Microsoft, updates to Microsoft’s Arrow Launcher for Android, unlimited data and data plan changes from wireless carriers, Google’s plans to update Android more often and an acquisition by Pinterest. Enjoy the show and thanks for listening!

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