Tag: Microsoft Teams

Monday - February 17th, 2025

Microsoft BUILD 2021: Digital Swag Downloads

As Microsoft prepares to host Microsoft BUILD 2021, the second time they are doing the entire event online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have issued out digital swag to help virtual attendees celebrate their attendance. The company has done similar digital swag downloads for BUILD 2020, IGNITE 2020, and other virtual events over the last 15 months they have hosted.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 15)

Here at the very end of August in a quite different year than we all expected when it started, there is still plenty to discuss about faith, tech, and space. We kick this episode off with a discussion around returning to movie theaters to watch movies during this active pandemic plus an update an update about my recent PC Build and SSD drives. Next is the final couple of weeks in the summer break for my cohort’s continuing formation and classes beginning in just a couple of weeks. In tech, we layout new builds for Windows and Edge Insiders including a significant upcoming milestone. Surface Duo review are in the hands of reviewers and influencers but it is everyday folks without embargos that are going into Best Buy and AT&T stores to give full operational demos of the dual-screened devices ahead of schedule. IN other tech headlines there is more on the Epic vs Apple app store fight, talk about the Amazon Halo, TikTok, tech scam insider information to help awareness, and big changes in real estate in the pandemic. In space we have launches and scrubs and we wrap up reminiscing about the 25 year anniversary of Windows 95, Office, 95, and of course this website!

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 9)

Back behind the microphone with big updates about my aspirancy formation for the permanent diaconate, updates about the Windows Insider and Edge Insider Programs, a big tech update, and quite a bit of space news this cycle. We begin catching up on the Easter Season, the new online (local and distant) classes that start this month in formation including Patristics (three classes) and The Four Gospels (12 weeks). Next we go over the status of new insider builds for Windows 10 (vNext), the impending release of Windows 10 (20H1) aka the May 2020 Update later this month, and all the latest on Microsoft Edge across all channels. new hardware from Microsoft and Apple caught headlines this week and in space the first launch of human beings from U.S. soil in nearly nine years is expected later this month and the Mars Perseverance mission continues marching towards its July launch even with the team working remotely from home. Hubble is 30 years old and unidentified objects are just that – unidentified.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 8)

Last episode we recorded in our reconfigured podcast studio. Now we are live streaming our recording session via YouTube. Now you can see my face, hands, and eyes as I share faith, tech, and space. I have updates on my own faith formation, current tech headlines, and some space news in this episode. Much of what we discuss is impacted by the current lock downs and stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Working From Home and Remote Working is the new norm and many of these changes are likely to become more permanent when we return to whatever normal is in the coming months. Some of the headlines we catch up on include the latest for Windows and Edge Insiders, talk about the transition of Office 365 to Microsoft 365 for personal and family use, and how companies are adapting to the current situation. We also discuss Microsoft’s decision to go virtual with all their in-person events until at least July 2021 and what impact COVID-19 is and is not having on launches and other space news including the first potential launch of astronauts from U.S. soil in May.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 3)

In this week’s show, I catch you up on my formation during a break over the Christmas period and share some insight into two seasons in the Church – Advent and Christmas. The tech side of the show is packed full of news for Windows Insiders and the latest builds in each testing ring along with an indication of how future builds will roll out. Edge Insiders are also closing in on general availability of Edge (Chromium) so we update on multiple items that can help you prepare. Following all the tech news, we discuss the latest space stuff around SpaceX, Boeing, and NASA as 2019 wraps up and 2020 begins. Happy New Year and thanks for listening.

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