Tag: dual screen

Wednesday - February 19th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 15)

Here at the very end of August in a quite different year than we all expected when it started, there is still plenty to discuss about faith, tech, and space. We kick this episode off with a discussion around returning to movie theaters to watch movies during this active pandemic plus an update an update about my recent PC Build and SSD drives. Next is the final couple of weeks in the summer break for my cohort’s continuing formation and classes beginning in just a couple of weeks. In tech, we layout new builds for Windows and Edge Insiders including a significant upcoming milestone. Surface Duo review are in the hands of reviewers and influencers but it is everyday folks without embargos that are going into Best Buy and AT&T stores to give full operational demos of the dual-screened devices ahead of schedule. IN other tech headlines there is more on the Epic vs Apple app store fight, talk about the Amazon Halo, TikTok, tech scam insider information to help awareness, and big changes in real estate in the pandemic. In space we have launches and scrubs and we wrap up reminiscing about the 25 year anniversary of Windows 95, Office, 95, and of course this website!

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 6)

Welcome to the sixth episode of Faith, Tech, and Space PODCAST. I kick this show off talking about the latest in my faith formation including updates for online and local classes plus share a little about a local shrine here in Northeast Florida and some insight on the Season of Lent. In tech, we catch up with the latest for #WindowsInsiders and #EdgeInsiders as we review the latest builds and development progress. There are also headlines about the impact of the coronavirus plus news about Office, Android, Windows 10X, mobile app security, Apple iPhones not being for the bad guys in films, and Halo: Combat Evolved for PC. Wrapping up in space, I share details about my quick trip down to Cape Canaveral to watch the latest SpaceX Falcon 9 launch this past weekend and then discuss other news from NASA, Boeing, and Blue Origin. Thanks for tuning in and giving a listen to Faith, Tech, and Space as we continue this unique journey.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 5)

Welcome to our fifth episode of the podcast. In this show I discuss the latest in my formation studies specifically around the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church which we are studying this semester. On the tech front we finally got our first public peek at Windows 10X and it reveals a lot about the future of Windows plus we catch up on the latest for both the #WindowsInsider and #EdgeInsider preview programs. When it comes to space, there was plenty to talk about concerning SpaceX, Boeing, and NASA. Thanks for tuning in and listening to our latest.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 4)

In this fourth episode of the podcast I begin the faith portion of the show with a discussion about my recent melanoma diagnosis and then share the latest around my formation including our latest classes and progress as the new year begins. After that the tech and space parts of the podcast takeover with news around Windows Insider builds, the latest for Edge Insiders including the stable release of the new Microsoft Edge to the public. There is plenty of other tech news about software, hardware, services plus the latest from space including SpaceX’s successful IFA test. I close talking about the value of your personal integrity.

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