Tag: Chromebook

Wednesday - February 19th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 14)

There is plenty of news across our three-fold spectrum for this episode. I wrap up details about the PC build I recently completed and provide some schedule updates for my continued diaconate formation as we prepare for year two. In tech, new builds across the board for Windows and Edge Insiders, headlines from Microsoft, Apple (and Epic Games & WordPress), and Google among many others. In gaming news, there has been a run on joysticks and yokes thanks to the successful release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and confirmation of the Xbox Series S console thanks to a controller leak. In space there is news from NASA, ULA, and SpaceX as they continue to launch rockets despite the pandemic impacting operations. I close with an upcoming drama from Netflix on the human toll during a manned mission to Mars and Amazon’s potential plan to take over empty stores at malls to help with product distribution.

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Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 4)

In this fourth episode of the podcast I begin the faith portion of the show with a discussion about my recent melanoma diagnosis and then share the latest around my formation including our latest classes and progress as the new year begins. After that the tech and space parts of the podcast takeover with news around Windows Insider builds, the latest for Edge Insiders including the stable release of the new Microsoft Edge to the public. There is plenty of other tech news about software, hardware, services plus the latest from space including SpaceX’s successful IFA test. I close talking about the value of your personal integrity.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 309 #OTP

This week there was a lot happening in the Microsoft tech world. First, we had the public release of the Microsoft Edge Developer and Canary builds of the company’s new Chromium-based browser on Monday. A couple of hours later they then opened up the Windows Insiders Release Preview ring with Build 18362 of the May 2019 Update aka 19H1. Then mid-week, they merged the Skip Ahead 20H1 ring back to the Fast Ring and made Build 18875 available for testers. Pretty much exactly as we predicted and discussed during last week’s show.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 304 #OTP

We are still wiping the sleep out of our eyes after we lost an hour overnight thanks to Daylight Savings Time here across much of the United States. Among the news this week we learned that Windows 10 officially crossed the 800 million device threshold, we had another week full of Windows Insider builds for both Fast and Skip Ahead Rings, plus we saw some leaks around Microsoft Edge on Chromium. Of course, the show is littered with headlines around app updates, services, security, social media, Xbox, gaming and a promise for a new privacy focus from Facebook. I catch you up on my latest space news and talk about a scary podcast extortion scam that is happening to some podcasters.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 286 #OTP

We catch up on the Windows 10 19H1 development cycle as it begins in earnest plus we discuss the status of the delayed October 2018 Update. Surface Pro 6 and Surface Laptop 2 landed in retail channels this week so that means a bevy of reviews are also out on the new hardware. There are also new apps, app features, and other hardware that were announced/shared this past week including further integration of Microsoft To-Do into other inbox apps on Windows 10. Of course, there are other tidbits sprinkled throughout the show including Cortana’s 3.0 beta on Android and iOS, Microsoft’s continued anti-hacking and anti-piracy efforts, and the latest with the next update for Xbox Insiders. Be sure to listen all the way until the end so you get all the headlines.

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