Released last week during this month’s Patch Tuesday, the November 2019 Update is the ninth upgrade for the Windows 10 operating system since its initial release back in July 2015.

Also known as Windows 10 Version 1909, this is the first update for Windows 10 that is just a cumulative update instead of a full feature update. Of course, to just use this cumulative update you need to already be on the May 2019 Update, aka Windows 10 Version 1903, which was released earlier this year.

If you are on Windows 10 Version 1809, which was known as the October 2018 Update, or any earlier supported updates for Windows 10, then you will need to upgrade with a full build to build update.

Windows Update

This is the method with the fewest chances for issues. Just click the check for updates button in Windows Update and if your machine is eligible for the update it will be presented as a Download and Install option. If for some reason your device has a block in place due to any known issues relating to compatibility, etc. then the update will not be offered until that has cleared up.

Media Creation Tool (MCT)

The MCT for Windows 10 provides a couple of options. First, it can be used to create installation media that can be used on any eligible device for the upgrade. Second, you can also use the MCT to download an ISO of the update and use it for upgrades or clean installs. Performing a clean install bypasses blocks that might be in place for an in-place upgrade. That means be ready for challenges if something about your hardware has been identified.

Windows Update Assistant

The Windows Update Assistant is actually available on the same page as the MCT. This tool goes straight to an upgrade in place option. If you have no need of installation media or saving an ISO of the upgrade, then this is a very direct path to getting the update. The setup process should identify if there are any upgrade concerns for your device but you get a choice about moving forward. That is of course at your own risk because Microsoft did try to warn you.

Volume Licensing Center

For any company that is part of Microsoft’s Volume Licensing Program, you can download an ISO for installing across your organization from the VLC website using your company credentials. I noticed on this update cycle that these ISO’s were available much faster than normal for VLC customers.

MSDN Portal (Visual Studio Subscriber Benefits)

If you subscribe to Visual Studio, one of the benefits is access to ISOs for Windows 10. Those downloads can be grabbed for then creating your own installation media or using the ISO digitally to perform upgrades/installs.

Academic Products Download Page

For those in academia, you can also download ISOs for this Windows 10 upgrade from the Academic Volume License site for Windows 10.



  1. Windows 10 vNext Testing Begins | - […] November Update, Anniversary Update, Creators Update, Fall Creators Update, April 2018 Update, October 2018 Update, May 2019 Update, and…