Although the updates for the official Twitter app on Windows 10 have slowed down over the last couple of months, the value of that app being a Progressive Web Application (PWA) continues to be realized as smaller tweaks are made to the service.

As I have discussed in the past, the biggest benefit to PWA’s is that the code for the app is updated on the server side without having to issue an actual app update though the platform’s app store.

The second big element that we benefit from with PWA’s like the official Twitter app for Windows 10 is how quickly we see new features. You might recall that Twitter had enabled 280 characters for their service and that was never enabled on the old official Twitter app for Windows 10.

Thanks to the Windows 10 Twitter app being a PWA these days, we are seeing the latest enhancements just a few weeks after it was being tested on iOS and Android.

The new feature, choosing to see your timeline in chronological order, aka recent tweets, instead of Twitter’s top tweets option.

Windows 10 Twitter App Home Timeline
You can choose between recent and top tweets by selecting the star icon at the top of the Home tab in the Windows 10 app.

Since the Twitter app on Windows 10 is a PWA, this is the same process on iOS, Android, Windows 10, and on Twitter Lite via the web. Check out the screenshot gallery below to see what I mean.

On a final note, you should be aware that for whatever reason, there are times that this setting is switched back to Twitter’s preferred top tweets option. That means you might have to toggle this switch back to your preference on occasion. I have had to do it at least once in the last 24 hours since this option became available on Windows 10. I have also had this happen on Android so it is not something unique to Windows 10.

Twitter PWA App Screenshot Gallery