This weekend, on Saturday 28 July, Best Buy will host professional photography workshops at several locations across the United States.

These new on location workshops will be held in Seattle, San Diego, Houston, Atlanta, Tampa, New York City and Minneapolis and are half day events. These are taught and led by professional photographers and Camera Experience Shop employees.

Each workshop will consist of visiting four locations with your instructors to experience and photograph different types of photo shoots. This weekend’s workshops focus on People and Pets and lunch is provided. These events cost $50 per person and you can register and learn more here.

Of course, you are asked to bring your camera to the workshop but you will also get a chance to try out multiple lenses and other accessories courtesy of Best Buy. When the workshop wraps up you will receive a camera goodie bag to take home. Between the goodie bag, lunch, transportation and hand son experience from professionals you will definitely get your money’s worth.

Check out this short video about these Best Buy Photography Workshop Tours:

If for some reason you can not make the Photography Workshop Tours described above, or they are not in a city near you, there are a couple of other options in your local Best Buy.

First you can stop in and visit Best Buy’s Camera Experience Shop in the store and talk with the experts there about your photography questions. These folks are trained intensively about photography and the hardware so they can assist you along the way. Of course, the stores are stocked with a wide assortment of cameras, lenses and accessories to help you start building up your camera bag. It is also a great way to try out different cameras before you make your final purchase.

In addition to just dropping in and talking to the Camera Experience Shop Experts, Best Buy also offers free in-store photography workshops for beginners.

These two hour sessions will help you learn the basics of photography through a one on one interaction with the Camera Experience Shop Expert. The main goal of this session is to help you become familiar with your camera and its range of settings. Once you complete this introduction to your camera and get some more experience under your belt, be sure to check out the next stop on your camera experience journey by signing up for the full Photography Workshop Tours on October 20th, 2018 and January 19th, 2019. Head over to the Photography Workshop Tours site to sign up for notifications when registration for these open up later this year. Those two workshops will focus on Travel and Exploring in October and then Social Sharing and Storytelling in January.

The blogger has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card.