Welcome to episode 262 of Observed Tech.

Although there was very little Windows Insider activity this past week, I have some stats to hare from Windows Insider Chief Ninjatcat Dona Sarkar. She shared some details about the program including good news from a meeting with Executive Vice President Scott Guthrie who is overall responsible now for Windows Core after the recent reorganization at Microsoft.

I also update everyone on the latest rumors, speculation, and reality around the release of Redstone 4.

What has me quite excited lately is seeing Twitter’s work on their three week old Progressive Web Application on Windows 10. They are iterating quite quickly and really showing the strength of this method of delivering services and features.

Of course, there are other news headlines throughout the show so be sure to listen all the way until the end and not miss anything.

As always enjoy the show and thanks again for listening!


Date Produced: 15 April 2018

Length: 40:23

Format: MP3, 128KBPS

Size: 38.9 MB

Notes: All of this episodes show links are available at our WiKi – Show Links Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 262