Still catching your breath from the two hour live stream Windows 10 event earlier today?

I have no doubt you and I are not the only ones either.

The vibe on Twitter continues to be very positive and especially as you see the various tech reporters come out of the HoloLens demo.

Sounds like it really knocked their socks off to say the least.

Anyway, I posted my summary of the various announcements from the event earlier so now I want to just pull together some of the coverage from the other tech reporting venues.

I always find it very enlightening to read how other people perceived a certain element of the event or a particular announcement so even though some of these titles may sound very much the same be sure to take in the perspective as well.

First lets make sure you have all the official Microsoft related links concerning today’s news:

OK – here is all the other coverage I have selected to share:

Did I miss any particularly takes on today’s event? Please share a link down in the comments.