Well we have known the date for some time however the details about timing and access has been unavailable – at least until today.

Microsoft officially revealed on their Blogging Windows site all the live webcast details for their Windows 10 media briefing next week on 21 January 2015.

The Windows 10 Technical Preview will be hitting a significant milestone and this event will be its showcase to the world.

The milestone, a release of the Windows 10 Technical Preview that will reportedly feature the consumer aspects of the upcoming operating system, is the one that I believe the vast majority of Windows Insiders have been looking for.

Since October and the initial announcement of the Windows 10 Technical Preview all of the attention has been on the enterprise features of the OS. This made sense because Microsoft wanted to let business users know that the familiar desktop environment they knew in Windows 7 with the Start Menu and windowed apps was coming back in Windows 10.

While there has been a lot of enthusiasm for the Windows 10 Technical Preview with over 1.5 million Windows Insiders and over 450,000 of them being active users according to Microsoft many have been wanting the consumer enhancements such as Continuum, the new Spartan Browser and continued tweaking of the user interface.

As a regular OS tester since Windows Vista I am always more than willing to take a technical preview like Windows 10 and make it my daily driver but that has not happened with any of the public builds so far. The work in progress across the UI simply causes too much disruption to my workflow. Combining that with the other incomplete areas of functionality in the OS means it runs in a virtual machine so I can poke around for right now.

I hope the AWESOME branch build we get next week changes that.

Although I will not be in attendance at the event I will be watching and live blogging/tweeting the webcast so be sure to follow me on Twitter @WinObs and join the conversation about the continued development of the next version of Windows.


Date: 21 January 2015

Time: 9:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (check for your local time zone)

Website: http://news.microsoft.com/windows10story/