On December 10th of last year I made a prediction based on some observations as I worked at Best Buy during the first month of the holiday sales season.
I said in that post I believed that Sony’s PS4 would sell the most consoles in December.
Well it has taken us nearly half of the month of January to finally get the NPD results for console sales in December and I am here today eating a little bit of crow because my prediction was wrong.
And frankly, I could not be happier for the success Xbox One is having.
I first spotted the news earlier on Larry Hryb’s Twitter account @MajorNelson:
NPD: Xbox One and Xbox 360 were the top selling consoles for each generation in the US in December. 908k (Xbox One) and 643k (Xbox 360)
— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) January 16, 2014
Now, as we all know, numbers can be turned around to fit anyone’s use so I went off looking for Sony’s take on the December console sales based on data they would have gotten from NPD.
According to a statement attributed to Sony’s senior director of corporate communications, Dan Race, the PS4 maintains the cumulative lead for next generation consoles but stated they spent most of December out of stock in retail locations due to overwhelming consumer demand.
The PS4 was out one week longer than the Xbox One and it is also available in more markets than Xbox One is at the moment yet, as I wrote 10 days ago, simple math shows the next generation console wars are far from over.
I think this is a great start for the next generation consoles and I look forward to seeing how it goes head-to-head from here on however, no more predictions from me!