If you have recently added one of the new Surface 2 devices to your stable of electronic gear then you may be spending some time looking around the system to find all the little tweaks and settings that help you make the second generation tablet from Microsoft yours.

One of the big improvements the Surface 2 has is a higher resolution screen that is 1920 x 1080 – full HD.

However, by default the Surface 2 does not take full advantage of this increased resolution.

Scott Hanselman, who works on the Microsoft Web Platform Team, has posted how to change two settings on the Surface 2 running Windows 8.1 that will take full advantage of that higher resolution and DPI.

If you head over to Scott’s post from earlier today, Run more apps and show more tiles on your Surface 2 or high-dpi Windows 8.1 Laptop, he will show you how to find those settings and he has a great series of screenshots that show you the impact those changes make.

Once you tweak those two things you will take your Surface 2 Start Screen from a maximum of three rows of tiles to six rows and the ability to have many more options on your screen as you work.

I am looking forward to receiving my Surface 2 so that I can try out these same options.