I hope everyone had a chance to catch a deep breath over the weekend as things definitely slowed down compared to a few of our recent weekends.

There were some interesting tech related stories that did get published since Friday and here are three that caught our attention:

Exclusive- Shared lists, folder mounting, and device settings backup management coming to SkyDrive (Liveside) – Seems as if SkyDrive.com is continuing to evolve as more upcoming features are revealed including Shared lists, Folder mounting and Device settings backup management. The ability to sync folders that have been shared with you from other SkyDrive.com users is probably one of the most requested and it is good to see that it is coming.

Unofficial Vine Support Arrives on Windows Phone with 6Sec App by Rudy Huyn (WindowsObserver.com) – No need to wait for the official Vine App that is apparently coming to Windows Phone sometime down the road. The ability to access the service is here as of yesterday thanks to the development efforts of WP Dev Rudy Huyn. The app already has 166 reviews for an average of 4.5 Stars and it has only been in the Windows Phone Store for about 16 hours!

Going, Going, Just About Gone- Google Will Nuke Reader Data Tomorrow (All Things D) – Google Reader’s shut down was announced in March, the service shut down just two weeks ago today and now at 3 PM Eastern time today Google will send all that Google Reader data to the big repository in the sky. Well, they will at least shut off your ability to download the Google Reader data you have on their servers.  If you want your Google Reader history and subscriptions info then you need to download it via Google Takeout in the next 8 hours.

Bonus item – Surface RT Gets First Retail Price Cut – the price for this excellent companion device saw a retail discount of $150 begin yesterday at the Microsoft Store, Staples and Best Buy. If you are a refurb kind of buyer check out the offers on the Microsoft Store website where you can get a 64GB Surface RT with a black touch cover for $459.

Enjoy your week and stay safe out there.