I just discovered, along with a handful of Twitter folks for confirmation, that the Mobile uploads folder in your SkyDrive cloud storage is set to be Shared with Friends by default. The Mobile uploads folder is where pictures end up when you save them to your Skydrive from Windows Phone.
I do not have any of the other platforms that can access SkyDrive, such as iOS and Andoid, so I am unable to confirm this happens there as well. If anyone can please comment below to let everyone know.
So here is part of the properties info for the Mobile upload folder as it is viewed on SkyDrive.com:
As you can see the Sharing is with friends as previously mentioned. Until I saw a Twitter thread about this I had no idea my Mobile uploads folder was being shared at the friends level.
I have verified that you can not set this on your own either and the only option is to share with everyone from the SkyDrive.com web sharing interface.
Now how risky is this default sharing?
Well since it is limited to your friends it is not wide open to the public however, if you are concerned about your friends seeing more than what you want to share with them then you need to remove those permissions.
To do that just log into SkyDrive.com via your browser and then Right Click on the Mobile uploads folder and select Properties on the context menu. The properties for this folder will then show up on the right side of the screen.
Click on the Friends Can view icon and you will get a banner across the page to adjust permissions.
Just click Remove permissions in that banner dialog box to delete the Share with friends permissions.
Of course, if you want to continue sharing your mobile uploads with friends then just leave things as they are.
Let us know if you found your Mobile uploads folder on SkyDrive.com shared as well and whether or not you were aware of it being shared with your friends.