
With mere weeks until the next version of Windows Phone hits store shelves this – and perhaps the next few editions of App Flow, come at a time when the Windows Phone Store is a pretty awkward transition. Let’s level with each other fellow Windows Phone users. We’re in the midst of a AAA app or game drought, in fact I’ve seen some of you so hungry for apps you’ve started asking about when Apple’s Maps will be making it to our beloved platform.

I’m of course joking. We haven’t seen a disaster like that since a certain tech giant decided to holding off publicly releasing a software development kit for their new platform with totally different architecture. Yep, I took the shot.

Any who, instead of doing or traditional themed post I thought it would be more fun to spend the next few weeks awarding those who delivered the best in class Windows Phone experiences thus far.


While I’ve been waiting for the Xbox on Windows Phone scene to get exciting again, I’ve been playing around with a few of the titles I picked up back when my HTC HD7 was still considered a young tenderoni.  Press Play’s Max and the Magic Marker became my favorite Windows Phone gaming very early on a still remains so to this day –no I’ve never managed to complete all the levels and to be honest now that I’ve had to reset my device I probably won’t. That shouldn’t stop you though, especially since it’s now at a crazy cheap $.99. Microsoft Studios’ The Harvest didn’t turn out to be for me either. I particularly enjoyed it’s take on leveling mechanics even if I’ve still only stuck to the trial is I think $6.99 for the game is just at the event horizon of absurd.


Speaking of Xbox, I wouldn’t be a true ecosystem addict if I neglected to mention that the Xbox Companion app has been a true delight in the year it’s been in existence.  Nothing says, “We’re getting our crap together” like being able to tell my Microsoft manufactured entertainment console what to do with my mobile device being powered by Microsoft software. If you have an Xbox, use it.


Lastly but certainly not least is Clockwork Computing’s Shuriken Ninja. There’s nothing I value more than operational simplicity and this games definitely got it. Your object is too hit targets with ninja stars and avoid random obstacles. Sure, I’ve nearly thrown my device a few times trying to past certainly levels but it’s free, unlike the T-Mobile insurance deductible I’d have been forking over had I not finally gotten past that one troublesome level.

I’d really love to get your favorite applications from the Windows Phone 7 – Windows Phone 7.5 era into the column as we look forward to the revamped Windows Phone 8 platform in a few weeks. I’ve you got one, send them over via Twitter or right here in the comments. Until next week, I wish you wealth, health, and a decent amount of beans for yourself.