- Here are the latest whisper dates for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8, Office 2013
- Windows Phone 8 handsets may not land until November
- USA Network Eyes Programming for Multiple Screens
- Rubber Bands Blast Watermelon Into Slo-Mo Explosion of Awesome
- Dell’s software strategy: Focus on mid-sized businesses, emerging markets
- Google launches its new YouTube upload widget for site owners
- Thermal imaging may help fight obesity
- Windows 8 multitasking: a different take – From the Forums
- Amazon ‘Yesterday Shipping’: Wrap your brain around this
- Cheap and easy ways for Microsoft to give Metro apps a boost
- A Literal Lesson in Being Careful How You Choose to Name Your Domain [Images]
- Russian ‘cyber bandit’ arrested for attacks on Amazon.com
- Twitter lets brands send promoted tweets to select regions and devices only, for better targeting
- Analysis – Nokia progressing through challenging transition with Windows Phone
- Pinworthy: 4 Windows Phone apps for the London Olympics
- Space Shuttle Enterprise goes on display in New York
- Image: Aurora Australis As Seen From the Space Station
- T-Mobile no longer claiming America’s Largest 4G Network
- It’s official: Microsoft’s Yammer acquisition has been completed
- Image: Sun Sends Out Mid-Level Solar Flare
- Seculert: Security company that found Mahdi Trojan gets fresh funding
- Microsoft Welcomes Yammer to the Office Division
- More of Microsoft’s App Development Tools Goes Open Source
- Opera releases its first mobile advertising report; iOS king of the hill, Windows Phone sucking wind
- CloudOn truly goes global, taking its ‘Office for tablets’ technology to 60 more countries
- CES 2013 Planning Underway
- Lighter-Than-Air Material Could Drastically Change Tech
- Skydrive with Office 2010 versus Office 2013
- Maketecheasier.com: How to Text from Your PC