- Super Bowl XLVI: Who You Need to Follow on Twitter
- How to set up Automated Vacation Reply in Hotmail
- Maytag: Clean Oven in an Hour
- Burning is no longer available after plugging a USB storage device
- Ask.com users are wordier when it comes to web searches
- Microsoft says botnet kingpin worked for antivirus vendor
- White Paper: Assessing the Windows 8 Development Platform
- This will be the best 1 minute and 58 seconds of your day
- Blog Post: Behind the scenes at Lifelites
- 21 Essential Community Management Resources
- ‘When Larry Met Sergey’ is a gorgeous interactive guide to everything Google
- Yes, I am biased and you should be too
- Blog Post: Bing at Sundance: See What’s Happening at Sundance 2012
- Google+ new name policy: Too little, too late
- With defense work growing, Adapx scores $3 million
- Hacker Olympics is the first anti-hackathon in NYC
- Microsoft Names New Defendant in Kelihos Case
- Report: Average Silicon Valley tech salary tops $100,000 a year
- Tour SpaceX Dragon Capsule in Cargo Configuration
- NBC gets into the interactive e-book business
- Facebook Spent More than $1 Million on Lobbying in 2011 [REPORT]
- 6 Top Community Managers to Appreciate
- The EFF publicly thanks Reddit for its efforts to defeat SOPA
- Apple’s Taking Over Textbooks — Are Training Manuals Next?
- This Virgin America jet has a name inspired by Steve Jobs
- Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Monday, January 23rd
- Ping 129: Windows Phone climbing the ladder, Xbox admits fault, Visual Studio Game! Bing is for Doing
- Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Friday, January 20th
- According to Google, 20% of Google+ users who submit name appeals would prefer to use a pseudonym. Now they can.
@WinObs Tweeted Links for 23 January 2012