
It has been a while since I posted any updates from three of Microsoft’s Dynamic Windows 7 Themes so I want to get caught up with this post.  These dynamic themes take advantage of a feature in Windows 7 that allows you to subscribe to a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed to receive regular updates of the background images in the theme.

The three themes I have chosen to keep an eye on in the past are the Bing Dynamic Photo, Paramount Pictures Movies and the Bing Maps Aerial Image Dynamic Windows 7 Themes.

Two of those feeds, Bing Dynamic Photo and Bing Maps Aerial, get almost weekly updates so I want to catch you up on what the latest images are this month for them and continue the weekly updates from this point. 

Bing Dynamic Windows 7 Theme – this theme has 92 backgrounds as of today.

Geranium pollen at a magnification of x400 Tallinn, Estonia

Bing Maps Aerial Imagery Windows 7 Theme – this theme has 173 backgrounds as of today.

Farm Fields East of Basalt, Idaho University of Montana Missoula, Montana
Burnt Fields Sheffler, Washington Willow Creek Reservoir Northwest of Augusta, Montana
Reservoir East of Phillips, Montana Ashley Lake West of Kalispell, Montana
Cabinet Gorge Dam Northeast of Coeurd Alene Gator Creek North of Tampa, Florida
St. Anthony Sand Dunes North of St. Anthony, Idaho Menan Buttes Southwest of Rexburg, Idaho