Although this is a blog primarily about Microsoft technologies I have never faulted anyone in their technology choices. Today the world has lost a true visionary and for that we all, no matter what your technology preferences, are a bit poorer for his loss but also richer for the impact Steve Jobs had on this industry and the world. RIP.
The following statement was issued by his family:
Steve died peacefully today surrounded by his family.
In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family. We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last year of Steve’s illness; a website will be provided for those who wish to offer tributes and memories.
We are grateful for the support and kindness of those who share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you will mourn with us, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time of grief.
The following is from a press release Apple posted earlier today:
We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.
His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.
This is posted at the Apple Steve Jobs page at their website:
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email
Bill Gates posted this to his Facebook Wall:
I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work. Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.
Mark Zuckerberg posted this on his Facebook Wall:
Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you.
Larry Page, one of Google’s founders, posted this to Google+:
I am very, very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it. His focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well. My thoughts and Google’s are with his family and the whole Apple family.
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, made this statement concerning the death of Steve Jobs:
“I want to express my deepest condolences at the passing of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of our industry and a true visionary. My heart goes out to his family, everyone at Apple and everyone who has been touched by his work.”
This is what Google did with their home page in memoriam of Steve Jobs:
Picked this tribute picture up from a tweet – posted on Tumblr but not sure where it originated from:
Updated 07 October 2011: Based on this story at NeoWin this graphic was created by Jonathan Mak, a 19 year old Hong Kong student.
News Coverage (updated as necessary; most recent additions at the bottom)
- Steve Jobs- 1955-2011 (GeekWire)
- Apple founder Steve Jobs dies (CNN)
- Top Showman Moments (CNN)
- Apple says co-founder Steve Jobs has died (MSNBC)
- Apple Pays Tribute to Steve Jobs (Mashable)
- BREAKING- Steve Jobs Has Died (Mashable)
- RIP, STEVE (Huffington Post)
- Steve Jobs dies at 56; Apple’s co-founder transformed computers and culture (LA Times)
- Apple Chairman Steve Jobs dead at 56 (ComputerWorld)
- Former Apple Chief Steve Jobs Dies (PC Magazine)
- Tim Cook- No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve’s death (ARS Technica)
- Steve Jobs, 1955-2011- The Web Remembers (Mashable)
- Apple’s Board of Directors on Steve Jobs (Mashable)
- Steve Jobs, Apple’s Visionary, Dies at 56 (NY Times)
- Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dead at 56 (Reuters)
- Jobs, Who Built Most Valuable Technology Company, Passed Away (BusinessWeek)
- How Steve Jobs reshaped the tech industry (CNET)
- Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Statement on Steve Jobs (Wall Street Journal)
- RIP Steve Jobs- He merged technology, art and business (Baltimore Sun)
- Apple says company co-founder Steve Jobs has died (CBS News)
- Steve Jobs- His Legacy of Deals (Wall Street Journal)
- Steve Jobs’ legacy (The Seattle Times)
- Friends, rivals, officials mourn death of Apple founder Steve Jobs (CNET)
- Twitter reacts with emotion to Steve Jobs’ death (CNET)
- Apple’s Steve Jobs dies at 56 (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Mercury News editorial- Steve Jobs’ passing is a sad milestone (San Jose Mercury News)
- Tech at Night- Steve Jobs 1955-2011 (RedState)
- Steve Jobs, tech visionary- 1955-2011 (GIGAOM)
- Apple Founder Steve Jobs Dies (Voice of America)
- Steve Jobs- Apple co-founder dies aged 56 (The Telegraph)
- Steve Jobs – timeline of the former Apple CEO (The Telegraph)
- Apple says Steve Jobs has died (Chicago Sun-Times)
- How Steve Jobs changed (but didn’t save) journalism (Poynter)
- Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011 (Wired News)
- Steve Jobs dies (USA Today)
- Apple says company co-founder Steve Jobs has died (The Associated Press)
- Steve Jobs Mourned, Inside and Outside Silicon Valley (Wall Street Journal)
- Stars react to the news of Steve Jobs’ death (MSNBC)
- Bob Iger, Other Business CEOs React to Steve Jobs’ Death (ABC News)
- The Jobs legacy- Ease, elegance in technology (MSNBC)
- Steve Jobs, IT Giant, Dies at 56 (eWeek)
- Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder, dies aged 56 (The Guardian)
- Apple founder Steve Jobs dies at 56 (Houston Chronicle)
- Apple says company co-founder Steve Jobs has died (Forbes)
- A Great American Genius (MSNBC)
- Biographical Info on Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs (ABC News)
- Yves Béhar- Steve Jobs Changed My Life (Forbes)
- Steve Jobs- A Look Back (BusinessWeek)
- Steve Jobs leaves a legacy like no other (MarketWatch)
- Steve Jobs passes away at 56 (TG Daily)
- RIP Steve Jobs, Master Marketer (and Unique Human Being) (Forbes)
- Fred Anderson- There Will Never Be Another Steve Jobs (Forbes)
- Steve Jobs thought different (CBS News)
- Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs Passes Away at 56 (The Mac Observer)
- Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies (GameSpot)
- Apple founder Steve Jobs dies, aged 56 (Inquirer)
- Steve Jobs Isn’t Dead And You’re Not Reading This (Forbes)
- Steve Jobs Remembered- 10 of His Most Magical Moments [VIDEO] (Mashable)
- Steve Jobs is dead at 56 (CNNMoney)
- This Was Your Life, Steve Jobs (TIME)
- Steve Jobs- a timeline (Sydney Morning Herald)
- From parents’ garage to world power (The Guardian)
- What we really owe to Steve Jobs (CNN)
- Steve Jobs Day’ Poised to Become a Memorial (PC Magazine)
- Steve Jobs Day, 14 October 2011 Facebook Page
- Steve Jobs- 1955-2011 (New Yorker)
- Jobs’s Death Follows Eight-Year Health Fight After Rare Cancer (Bloomberg)
- Steve Jobs- He Saw Genius in Our Craziness (Forbes)
- Steve Jobs Dead- Twitter Reacts To Apple’s Announcement (Huffington Post)
- The World-Changer- Steve Jobs knew what we wanted (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Live Blog- Steve Jobs, 1955-2011- Share Your Thoughts (DailyFinance)
- Steve Jobs in his own words (Engadget)
- Steve Jobs dead at 56 (San Antonio Express)
- Steve Jobs- More than a turnaround artist (Los Angeles Times)
- Celebrating the Life of Steve Jobs (TNW)
- Steve- Who’s Going to Protect Us From Cheap and Mediocre Now- (Monday Note)
- Steve Jobs 1955-2011 Full History Profile Infographic (Day in Tech History)
- Apple’s Steve Jobs Had Huge Impact on Mobility, Technology (eWeek)
- Twitter, Facebook flooded with reaction to Jobs’ death (ComputerWorld)
- Key Dates From the Life and Work of Steve Jobs (ABC News)
- Hits and misses in the Apple repertoire (Los Angeles Times)
- O’Brien- Why we all feel the passing of Steve Jobs so deeply (San Jose Mercury News)
- Steve Jobs Dies. A Revolution Ends (InformationWeek)
- A Look Back at Steve Jobs of Apple (New York Times)
- Steve Jobs- a look back (Christian Science Monitor)
- Steve Jobs mourned by Apple workers, Cupertino residents (Los Angeles Times)
- Steve Jobs’ big lesson- ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish’ (ZDNET)
- Steve Jobs And Music- The Revolution Will Be Digitized (MTV)
- Remembering a Legend- Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech [VIDEO] (International Business Times)
- The Steve Jobs I Knew (All Things Digital)
- Steve Jobs dies- Remembering a legacy (#SteveJobs) (Washington Post)
- Steve Jobs dies at age 56 (TechSpot)
- Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg mourn loss of Steve Jobs (USA Today)
- Thank you Steve Jobs (ZDNET Mobile News)
- The Meaning of Life After Jobs (PC Magazine)
- From friends and fans, Steve Jobs tributes pour in (ComputerWorld)
- The Steve Jobs I Knew (All Things Digital)
- Apple’s Passionate Pitchman [Video] (CNN)
- Apple’s future looks secure (USA Today)
- Steve Jobs’ genius paid off massively for Apple stockholders (Los Angeles Times)
- Fans at Apple Stores React to Steve Jobs’s Death (Wall Street Journal)
- The 11 Best Steve Jobs Quotes- Remembering The Apple CEO (Huffington Post)
- Bob Metcalfe recalls Steve Jobs cold call (CNET)
- October 5th 2011. The day Apple died (ZDNET)
- Steve Jobs Remembered By Disney, Pixar Execs (Hollywood Reporter)
- In Memoriam- The Iconic Black Turtleneck is Gone (Bright Side of News)
- LIVE BLOG- Media coverage of Steve Jobs death (The Australian)
- Steve Jobs Dies, Remembered For His Innovation & Style (PHOTOS) (Huffington Post)
- RIP Steve Jobs (Boston Globe)
- Steve Jobs has died- Apple has lost its digital emperor (Telegraph)
- How Steve Jobs iChanged the World (Wall Street Journal)
- Steve Jobs proved my 2004 column wrong (Baltimore Sun)
- Apple- Steve Jobs’ Legacy Doesn’t Fit on This Stock Chart (Wall Street Journal)
- Eric Schmidt on Steve Jobs’s Death (Wall Street Journal)
- Jobs Frequently Consulted With Disney Chief (New York Times)
- Tributes Pour Forth For Steve Jobs; Apple Co-Founder Was 56 (NPR)
- How Did Steve Jobs Change Your Life- (MTV)
- Steve Jobs- losing the da Vinci of our time (ABC)
- One more thing. Remembering Steve Jobs (ZDNET)
- We All Called Him Steve (Wired)
- Television and newspapers react to Jobs’ death (CNET)
- Apple’s New CEO Has Big Shoes to Fill (Wall Street Journal)
- Steve Jobs may never be equaled (Reuters)
- RIP Steve Jobs- He Let Us Inside the Media (TIME)
- 5 memorable quotes from Steve Jobs (CNN)
- The sun sets on a world without Steve Jobs (CBS News)
- Steve Jobs’ Greatest Tech Contributions (Neon Tommy)
I closed this blog post out at 11PM EDT on 05 Oct 2011. 127 stories linked above.