
I guess this is not a huge surprise to anyone in the tech world that keeps an eye on things like Twitter but today over at the Twitter Blog they posted some stats that shows just how much the social media service continues to grow globally.

  • In July 2010 they were seeing 65 million tweets per day; in July 2011 they see over 200 million tweets each day
  • In July 2010 about 150,000 apps were registered on Twitter; in July 2011 there are more than 1 million accessing Twitter
  • A year ago there were 250 employees at Twitter – now there are over 600

Twitter has also become a global presence with the service being translated into 11 languages now according to a second posting today at the Twitter Blog.  They manage to get this done with over 200,000 volunteers – yes volunteers – and are seeing languages added in less than a month now.

I wonder if they might feel a little pressure to compensate those volunteers considering the recent case against The Huffington Post and its volunteer bloggers that were left out in the cold when it was purchased earlier this year?