
This is a guest blog entry from Karin Gerber.

For those of you who sleep, listen to music, or read a book while using public transportation, one of your biggest annoyances is missing your stop.  Well, that’ll be no more with this handy mobile application called TravAlert.  Available for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, this neat little app gives you the freedom of taking that snooze or reading that book while commuting to and fro.  Not only that, but it won’t drain your battery  either.

TravAlert is basically a GPS enabled mobile app that keeps track of your location by sending out a GPS ping every few seconds.  By doing this, TravAlert is able to figure out your location relative to where you’re going.

If you head into a tunnel or another area without service, TravAlert estimates where you’ll be based on your last GPS position.  (via

Sleepy travelers can enter whether they’re on a bus or a train and their destination into the app, setting the alert for either minutes or miles away.  You can also adjust the alarm’s sound, make it vibrate or even select a song from your phone’s song library.  (via TechCrunch)

What an ingenious little application.  TravAlert costs only $1.99, but I would say the application is well worth the low price if you happen to use public transportation often.  I have friends with stories of how they would just miss their stop and get delayed 20 minutes all because they had to come all the way around to get back to the stop they missed.  For that alone, I would recommend this app to make sure those little things won’t happen again.

Do you know of anyone who could use this?