This is a guest blog entry from Karin Gerber.
Americans have always led the way in the good works of giving to those less fortunate and this holds true even today.
According to the Red Cross, many Americans will continue to maintain the levels of giving they’ve had in previous years. They do this not only to help others but to also feel like they are making a difference in the world. We’re in a time where people need to work harder and longer hours to make ends meet, but even so, every little bit of help can make a big difference.
If you’re passionate about donating to your favorite charity, now there’s an easier way to get your donation to them more efficiently.
SwipeGood is a free service that rounds up your change to the nearest dollar for every credit card purchase you make. It then takes the change from those purchases and sends the amount saved as a monthly donation to the charity of your choice. Currently SwipeGood offers about 276 charities. You can find their list of charities on their website at and you can switch charities at any time.
To participate in SwipeGood consumers would log in and enroll their credit card. The service will track the purchases made.
On average, SwipeGood users end up donating about $20 each per month. The “spare change” is totaled and charged on a monthly basis. Of those amounts, SwipeGood pockets about 5% – a relatively small amount that serves to cover its operating expenses. (via
One good feature of SwipeGood is that you can set a monthly limit on how much “spare change” you can afford to give each month, satisfying the need to give to others without sacrificing your own financial needs. It’s a wonderful idea to donate what you can to help out others, but you still need to make sure you got bread on your own table, so to speak. Either way, SwipeGood makes it simple to use your spare change for a good cause.