
This is a guest blog entry from Karin Gerber.

This past week the Internal Revenue Service released a new mobile application for the iPhone and Android.  It’s called IRS2Go and you can get your tax refund status and additional tax information all from your mobile device.

The IRS said in a press release that it is “modernizing the agency and engaging taxpayers where they want when they want it”.  Using the app is simple.  You enter your social security number, which will be encrypted for security purposes.  You then enter your filing status and the amount of the refund you are expecting to receive.  It’s that easy.

In addition to offering refund details, it also offers ways to get tax tips and information via e-mail. (via CNN Money)

If you e-file your return, you can check your refund status within a few days. If you file a paper tax return, you will need to wait three to four weeks to check your refund status… You can also use IRS2Go to subscribe to filing season tax updates by entering your e-mail address to automatically get daily tax tips.  (via

You can also get updates and information by following the IRS on Twitter at @IRSnews.

Currently, the app is only available for the iPhone and Android, but hopefully it will become available to other smartphones as times goes on.  Who would’ve thought of the IRS getting on the same mobile app bandwagon as other companies but it just goes to show you of what’s in store in the near future.  I personally find it fascinating.