Got some time today to watch a webcast that will help you take on the possibility of deploying Windows 7 in your organization?
Well TechNet has a four session webcast today that will take you through four different areas that will help you tackle the possibility of moving over to Windows 7.
According to the event page these are the four sessions:
Morning Sessions:
Can We Bust This Myth? “It’s impossible to upgrade a Windows XP computer to Windows 7”
In this fun and interactive session we’ll look at different ways to move your Windows XP machine to Windows 7, keeping user data and settings in place and ensuring the required applications are installed in the process. We’ll look at the different methods available to help with this daunting task. Will the MYTH be busted? Can it be done in under 75 minutes? Of course it can, that’s why we’re having this session!
Everything (well almost everything) you wanted to know about Application Compatibility but were afraid to ask
There are many questions and misunderstandings surrounding application compatibility which can leave your customer in a state of fear or worse, paralysis. If you are not already conversant in application compatibility then join us for an overview of the types of questions customers are asking, and the straight-talk answers you can provide in return. This session won’t turn you into an application compatibility guru overnight, but it will make it easier for you to help so you can go about the business of keeping your customers happy and informed.
Afternoon Sessions:
My Application is Broken and Can’t Get Up! Finding, testing, and fixing applications on Windows 7 with the Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6
In Windows 7 migrations application compatibility is an important issue. That’s where the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) comes to the rescue. But how does ACT really work? In this session, we dissect the tool to really understand where its strengths are, where its weaknesses are, and why – so you can get a good understanding of the tool and use it to maximum effect. We’ll explore the application compatibility manager and its agents, and the shim infrastructure. You’ll get tips and tricks for remediating applications, helping you to become a true shim ninja. In the end, you’ll be able to build a complete end-to-end scenario and workflow to delight your customers and accelerate your Windows 7 deployments!
Automate your Windows 7 deployment using the MDT 2010
You don’t just have a handful of machines to deploy, you have hundreds. And, you want to be able to automate your Windows 7 deployment. The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit offers a configuration database that allows methodological automation of deployment configurations based on a number of criteria, allowing you to configure the automatic assignment of properties based on the target computer location, make and model, and computer values. You can also assign Roles to those methods that contain further configurations. In this session we’ll take a deeper look that how we can use this capability in the MDT 2010 and simplify your organizations deployments.
If for some reason you can not attend these sessions then don’t worry because they will likely be made available on demand like most other TechNet content is. I can not watch these myself so I will also be looking for the on demand versions so I will come back here and add a link to them once they go live so everyone can access them later.
However, if you want to watch them online as they happen then head over to the TechNet Simulcast Event page and get signed up.