
What is the FAD you ask? It is the Forgotten Attachment Detector.

I imagine everyone of us has experienced this scenario from one side or the other and here is how it typically plays out:

First E-Mail


From: Richard Hay
Sent: 25 June 2010 at 3:13 PM
To: Everyone
Subj: Next Week’s Schedule

Just wanted to get next weeks sales schedule out to you all before the weekend gets started.

You will find it in the attached Word document.



Second E-Mail


From: Richard Hay
Sent: 25 June 2010 at 3:14 PM
To: Everyone
Subj: RE: Next Week’s Schedule

I forgot the attachment. Sorry.


Original E-Mail Sent 25 Jun 2010 at 3:14 PM
From: Richard Hay
Sent: 25 June 2010 at 3:13 PM
To: Everyone
Subj: Next Week’s Schedule

Just wanted to get next weeks sales schedule out to you all before the weekend gets started.

You will find it in the attached Word document.



Or you respond to a colleagues e-mail telling them they forgot the attachment. Whatever end you have been on this tool will keep you from having to send those extra e-mails.

Now I get an alert like this if I mention an attachment and forget the file:


There is a settings page where you can add key phrases that can be searched for in the email to trigger the FAD as well.


So this can really be tweaked to recognize your normal phrasing when you intend to send an attachment on an e-mail.

This Outlook Add-In was developed by Bhavesh Chauhan who is a software engineer for Microsoft in India.  It has been a side project of his and the release was done in  conjunction with Microsoft Office Labs.

So far it has been downloaded over 22,000 times. Get your copy now.