
Today Microsoft begins their annual TechEd Conference in New Orleans, LA and there is a full schedule of keynotes, training, technology discussions and exhibitions of products from Microsoft Partners.  Microsoft Product Managers will also be there in full force to talk about their future and current releases of Microsoft products.

There are a lot of resources available to help you keep up with the events there whether your in attendance or not.

You can also follow the Twitter hashtag #teched in your favorite Twitter program to keep up with the general feel for the events going on at the conference.

Bob Muglia, the President of Server and Tools Business at Microsoft is scheduled to deliver the opening keynote address. That 90 minute address is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM today (10:00 AM EDT).

Personally, I do hope to see an announcement about the public beta of Windows Live Essentials this week as that is one of the big things on the horizon for Windows.  That might just be wishful thinking though as everything else I have read points towards the end of June for that availability.