A completely new online game service that will be coming to the U.S. in June has just announced they will also be offering the service in the United Kingdom via British Communications.
The Onlive game service is unique because it offers on demand streaming games. The service is a gaming equivalent of cloud computing: the game is synchronized, rendered, and stored on a remote server and delivered online. The service was announced to be compatible with any Windows PC or any Intel-based Mac and even smartphones.
What’s great about Western Europe geographically is that so many countries are within a 1000 mile (1600 km) radius, which is within the latency limit for a single OnLive data center. We’ve tested OnLive across all of Western Europe spanning from the UK to Italy and from Scandinavia down to Spain.
The service has been announced for the U.S. to launch June 17. Currently there is not a launch date for the U.K., but reaching this deal with British Communications once again shows Onlive is the real deal and will be worldwide soon. As Steve Pearlman, CEO of Onlive said:
“I know everyone would like the exact details of when OnLive will be available in the UK, but we are not announcing dates just yet. We’re completely focused on our US launch this summer. Once we get the US service up and running, we’ll be sharing more details, including when we’ll be starting a UK public Beta.”