OK, so the title of this post is a little play on the fact that last week Facebook announced we do not become Fans of each other – rather we Like each other on Facebook.
With that out of the way – let me tell you how Microsoft and Facebook like each other now:
This new collaboration is from Microsoft Fuse Labs:
Now you can discover, create, and share Microsoft Office documents with your Facebook friends. Built using Microsoft Office 2010 – Docs for Facebook provides the best possible document service for the Facebook environment.
This is not unlike Microsoft Office Web Apps I posted a guide about the other day. This type of a site makes it easy to share your documents with all of your Facebook family and friends.
To learn more about Docs check out these resources:
- Microsoft Fuse Labs Docs Project Page (includes overview, FAQ and a screenshot gallery)
- http://docs.com
- http://www.twitter.com/docs4fb
- http://www.facebook.com/docs
Since this is a beta you do need to sign up on the Docs website to get a beta code for use. The signup link will ask you to sign into your Facebook account and then once your signed in you can request an invite code.
Then the waiting to be let in begins. If the recent Windows InTune beta offering is any indication – there will be a lengthy line of people waiting to get in.
Good Luck. If you get in let us know about the experience.