Fire up those test sites and lets get WordPress 3.0 beta tested! This version of WordPress is a significant update and needs your help in making it the best version of WordPress so far.
So what kinds of things do they want you to focus on in this beta?
- Play with the new default theme, Twenty Ten, including the custom background and header options.
- Custom Post Type functionality has been beefed up. It’s really easy to add new types, so do that and see how it looks!
- WordPress MU users should test the multiple sites functionality to make sure nothing broke during the merge.
There are some unfinished areas as well to be aware of:
- The custom menus system (Appearance > Menus) is not quite finished. In Beta 2, the layout will be different and a bunch of the functionality will be improved, but we didn’t want to hold things up for this one screen. You can play with making custom menus, and report bugs if you find them, but this is not how the final screen will look/work, so don’t get attached to it.
- The merge! Yes, WordPress and WordPress MU have merged. This does not mean that you can suddenly start adding a bunch of new blogs from within your regular WordPress Dashboard. If you’re interested in testing the Super Admin stuff associated with multiple sites, you’ll need some simple directions to get started.
- We’re still fiddling with a few small things in the UI, as we were focused on getting the more function-oriented code finished first.
This is an exciting release and I am looking forward to setting up a test blog to give it a walk though. How about you – do you plan to test it out?